Year 2004
Brazil:(6-18 March) VI° Panamerican Congress: “Sport as a mean of social integration: function of panathletism”;
- Rapallo: (11-13 June) 41° General Assembly for the renewal of the Central Bodies. Elected the International President Dr. Enrico Prandi;
- Crotone: (24 September) CESH Congress
– Presented the work “Sport. Ethics. Cultures” realised by P.I. for the 50° Anniversary of the foundation;
- Gand: (25 September) during the 12° Sports Management European Congress, Panathlon International presented a Declaration on ”Ethic in youth sport”.
- Rapallo: (30 September), the President Enrico Prandi met Pierino Gros, responsible of human resources and organisation of volunteers for Turin 2006, in order to define a collaboration with the Organising Committee.
- Grave bereavements in Panathlon International: Giampaolo Rigetti, Governor of the 1° District, Giovanni Strocchi, Governor of the 5° District, Gabriele Turchetti, President of the Administration Control and Auditor’s Committee died.
- Realisation of the 1° Catalogue of the International Competition of Graphic Arts “Disegnamo lo Sport”, published by Panathlon International and the Foundation Domenico Chiesa.