Year 2006
Torino (10-26 February): XX Winter Olympic Games.
- Capetown (10-12 April): the President Enrico Prandi, in occasion of the International Conference on “Sport and evolution”, has illustrated the Panathletic Movement its main projects as the “Declaration on ethic in youth sport “ and action in favour of multiculturality and voluntary service.
- Panathlon is associated to ICSSPE (International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education) which joins 250 international organisations which work in the field of science applied to sport, to promote culture, quality of life and health.
- Rapallo: (26/28 May) 42° General Assembly ;
- Lima: (6-11-September) VII Panamerican Congress: “State, Society and Sport”.
- Perù: Panathlon Club Lima has subscribed an agreement of cooperation for fair play with the Peruvian Olympic Committee.
- The President’s Committee has adopted new Regulations for Fair Play.
- The Publications of the Proceedings of the 15° International Congress of Parma, in the italian and english versions, are issued in bookshops for a promotion in the scientific and international domain.
- Warsaw, December : Delivery of the International Fair Play awards.