Year 2007
- Torino (17-18 January) – Winter University Games 2007: Panathlon actively participates in the meeting “Educata…mente Sport”, organized in two days organized by SUISM
- On March is published the Fair Play booklet – Trophies and diplomas 1999 to 2005" in French English and Italian.
- March: the President of P.I. Enrico Prandi receives by President Jacque Rogge the confirmation to be member of the Cultural Commission of C.I.O.
- On 22 March 2007 the President of the European Olympic Committees Patrick Hickley comunicates the decision of the Executive Committee to adhere at the Declaration of Panathlon on Ethic in Youth sport.
- Rome (24 April): the President Enrico Prandi and his Vice, Maurizio Monego, meet the italian minister for youth politics and sport, Giovanna Melandri. Purpose of the visit to present Panathlon, living her also Sport, Ethics, Cultures and proposing Panathlon as interlocutor for ethics ins port, in a period of scandals and violence in Italy.
Two new Panathlon Junior clubs are founded, after the one of Bruxelles. They are Agrigento and Viterbo.
- Town of Guatemala (8 June): the 119^ IOC session has launched the YOG. They will be done each two years in the winter and summer version. They will star in 2010 in Summer. In 2012 there will be the winter games. They are reserved to youths of 14-18 years.
- The 1st September dies in Pavia the Secretary General Siropietro Quaroni (photo 2). He leaves a wide emptiness in everybody. One of his last thoughts was the regret of not being able to conclude the work of organisation of the XVI Congress and Extraordinary Assembly of Antwerp. As he indicates, Sergio Allegrini comes after him.
- Lausanne (6th September): operative meeting in the seat of IOC with Mr. Ganda Sithole, Director of the sector of International cooperation ad development of IOC. Confrontation on the action to promote for the diffusion of the "Panathlon Declaration on ethic in youth sport and to face the Youth Olympic Games in program for 2010. Invitation to P.I. to collaborate with the proper Commission that will have to study educative and cultural programs to implement that organisation.
- Venice (29 September): V edition of the International Graphic Competition in collaboration with the Panathlon International Cultural Foundation – Domenico Chiesa”, opening of the exhibition and awarding ceremony. Collaboration PC Venice.
- Milan (31 October): participation of P.I. at the conference “Sport and youth”, during the 25° world Festival “Sport & Movies 2007”. P.I. collaborates with FICTS, presided by the panathlete prof. Franco Ascani.
- Lisbon (19 October): the amending treaty of the European Union subscribed by Chiefs of State and Government 27 States members of the Union, make a reference for the first time in history at the notion of the specific nature of sport.
The article 124, at paragraph a) of the new treaty underlines in fact that the Union contributes to the promotion of European sport right, considering its specificities, of its structures based on voluntary service as its social and educative function.
- America (17-30 October): President Enrico Prandi travels to Mexico, Chile, Uruguay, Argentina and Brasil.
Purpose of the travel is to illustrate to Clubs the news that there will be with the new statute, launch again the Movement in America and living news on the impulse to internationality, that the Central Board is living, through a series of cultural operations and of visibility in which play an important role the Declaration of Panathlon on ethic in youth sport.
Among the photos n.4 and n.5 present the President Prandi who meet the President of the Mexican Olympic Committee, Felipe Muñoz Kapamas and the President of CODEME (Confederacion Deportiva Mexicana), Alonso Pérez González, while is subscribing the Declaration.
- Antwerp (22 November): in an extraordinary Central Board is ratified the nomination of Sergio Allegrini – panathlete of Club La Malpensa – to General Secretary whereof he unroll the functions of General Secretary till the end of August.
Sergio Allegrini, panathlete since 1985, he has been President of Panathlon Club La Malpensa (I) twice, the first time in 1988 and the second time in 2002. He was elected Governor of the 2nd District but he renounced for work reasons.
- Antwerp (22-23 November): XVI Congress “Ethic and Sport – Youth and Managers”.
Organized in collaboration with the University of Antwerp that gives to Panathlon its installations in the Campus Middelheim and hosts the speakers, the congress can count on famous researchers and professors. Great merit for their participation goes to the President of the Scientific and Cultural Commission Antonio Spallino and the determinate participation of Prof. Yves Vanden Aweele, precious new purchase of the Commission.
Great and precise organizational work by Belgian clubs of Antwerp, presided by Peter Verboven.
Prof. Claudio Marcello Tamburini (Univ. Stockolm, stregthen of bodies – Ethic questions;
Dott. Michel Leglise, coordinator of the group of work “Ethic, sport, children and adolescents” of the Medical Commission f IOC, Project of the Ethic Chart of IOC: youngsters adolescents and sport practice;
Prof. Jim Parry (Univ. Leeds), Ethic of youth sport in United Kingdom;
Prof. Gorge Vigarello (Univ. Paris V), The responsibility of the directive sport class;
Prof. A. Carlos Bramante (Univ. Sorocaba), The risks for youth of a sport formation without ethic.
Coordinators of linguistic and cultural areas: A. Aledda (italian); M.E. Alvarez (spanish and portuguese); L. Bizzini (francophone); Y. Vanden Aweele (English).
Plenary meeting: Prof. Marc Maes coordinates the theme Ethic in sport leadership; Prof. Lucio Bizzini that one of youth and sport.
IFIUS signed during the XVI Panathlon Congress in Antwerp (Belgium) a partnership agreement with President E. Prandi of Panathlon International (the photo of the partnership is on the website, ensuring the implementation of the Panathlon values during the IFIUS World Interuniversity Games.
-Antwerp (24-25 November): Extraordinary Assembly for the approbation of the new Statute. Philippe Housiaux presides (Pres. Club Wallonie-Bruxelles).
Constitution of the National Districts (formed of at least 2 Clubs) governed by the District Presidents. Institution of the President District Committee, with a consultant power. Each District can be subdivided in Areas, formed by at least 5 clubs and governed by a Governor of Area, elected by the clubs of that Area. When there are areas in one District, the President of this one is nominated by the Governors of Area convened in Assembly. Modification of the representation criteria, living a maximum of 4 International Board Members for National District and living a Board member to District or Continental Areas for each 30 club present in them.
The International Board will be formed by the International President, Past-president and by 7 Board members elected by the Assembly. The International Board appoints among the board members a Vice president of a different nationality of one of the President.
- Antwerp (26 November): Central Board for aprroval of P.I. Regulations
- Lausanne (3 December): meeting of President Prandi and of the general Secretary with the ACNO President D.Mario Vázquez Raña- Flambeau d'Or award in 1984 for organization when he was president of mexican CO. Purpose of the meeting was the diffusion of Panathlon Declaration on Ethic in Youth Sport.
- Paris (7 December): President Prandi participates in the ceremony of the Fair Play World Awards of CIFP.
- Lausanne (17 December): from IOC arrives the invitation to President Prandi to participate in the meeting of next 25January 2008 to discuss the programs of the cultural and educative programs to be prepared for the YOG