Gent - Declaration of Panathlon and Panathlon Award

Panathlon International Vlaanderen honored Gold medalist on Uneven Bars Nina Derwael, Mama Marijke Lammens and her coach Marjorie Heuls for being a role model to children, parents and coaches.

Raymonda Verdyck, president of the GO! Top Sport Schools in Flanders handed over the award to gymnastic top talent Nina and accentuated the importance of good scholarship and education within adequate sport infrastructures. Mrs. Verdyck congratulated the double world champion for the exceptional way she realizes her ambitions in sport and doing so being a role model for young athletes.

Nina's mother, Mrs. Marijke Lammens received the Panathlon award out of the hands of Mrs. Sofie Bracke, alderman for sport of Gent. Mrs. Bracke pointed out the importance of a warm nest and the care of parents to lead children at early age into sport. But also, to support them through their success and disappointments. Parents, grandparents have an absolute important role by guiding children within a fair a respectful sport.

Mrs. Tanja Moens, representing the Ministry of Sport was happy to give the award to coach Marjorie Heuls. Mrs. Moens proudly represents Sport Vlaanderen but is also happy as for many years she is a member of the Panathlon Gent and even was former president of the organizing club.

Nina Derwael expressed her gratitude for the award, the first time she received one in Gent, the place where she studied and still trains. She is happy that she can share this Panathlon award with 2 strong ladies, her mother and coach.

Coach Marjorie wanted to share her award with all the people behind Nina's success. It is a team of experts and care givers that works hard to realize the success of Nina and the other gymnast of the country.

International President Pierre Zappelli congratulated all stakeholders in Flanders and the members of Panathlon Gent. Mr. Zappelli was happy to establish after 15 years that the Declaration of Panathlon still inspires people, athletes and sport management to strive for an ethical and respectful sport for all especially regarding to the children's rights in sport.

It was in Gent 2004 that the Panathlon Declaration was published. To be in Gent on this evening is fine moment to share our values and encourage all stakeholders to promote these values as much as possible on any level. 

Closing the award ceremony PhD Bram Constandt, postdoctoral researcher at the Gent University and board member of ICES (1°, commented his study (2) on the Management of ethics in Foot ballclubs. In his statement Dr Constandt underlined the positive effects of an ethical framework in football clubs as not only board members can be role models but even so coaches, and thus deliver a strong contribution to what he calls ‘an ethical climate' in clubs.




Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa