In questo momento di emergenza anche il Panathlon Club Valdarno Superiore ha deciso di andare in aiuto dei sanitari dell'Ospedale del Valdarno "Santa Maria alla Gruccia".

Il consiglio direttivo del club service valdarnese, che ha sospeso tutte le proprie attività ed iniziative, ha deciso di donare a favore dell'ospedale di riferimento del proprio territorio l'intero budget di eventi, iniziative e progetti che si sarebbero dovuti svolgere nel mese di marzo.

La solidarietà non si ferma, anzi si intensifica in periodi di emergenza come questo.

Tra le tante iniziative benefiche c'è quella del Panathlon Club Cesena, che ha deciso di donare 10mila euro all'ospedale Bufalini per contribuire all'acquisto di un ecografo, in accordo con i dirigenti del nosocomio cittadino.

Il presidente del sodalizio, Dionigio Dionigi, si è incaricato di versare la somma. "E' doveroso aiutare la comunità in questo difficile momento", ha commentato.

Election of the President of the Austrian District

Josef Muller, Vice-President of the Panathlon Club Graz, has been elected President of the Austrian District.

International Board Member Ernst Denoth has brought the President's greetings and has led a valuable discussion on all the new Regulations.


Anche la Segreteria Generale del PI si è organizzata per seguire le direttive del Governo che hanno decretato tutta l’Italia come “zona rossa” .

Il personale  sarà raggiungibile tramite cellulari ai seguenti numeri: 

0039 346 5714489 * 0039 346 228 2403 

Nella speranza che si possa tornare presto alla normalità, si invano i più cordiali saluti.



The General Secretariat of PI has adhered to Governmental directives that have decreed all Italy as "red zone".

The following mobile phones will also be available:

0039 346 5714489 * 0039 346 228 2403

Kind regards




Le Secrétariat Général du PI a adhéré aux directives Gouvernementales qui ont décrété toute l’Italie comme «zone rouge».

Les téléphones portables suivants seront également disponibles:

0039 346 5714489 * 0039 346 228 2403


Entre el 6/8 de febrero se realizó en el Parque Sarmiento, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, el Torneo clasificatorio para el Campeonato Mundial de tenis en silla de ruedas.

El Panathlon Club Buenos Aires ofreció el trofeo al Fair Play al comité organizador. El gesto destacado y premiado fue la solidaridad y juego limpio demostrado por el equipo de la República Oriental del Uruguay, cuyos integrantes son el entrenador Roberto IIchazo y los deportistas en silla de ruedas Luciano Varela y Oscar González.

En la primera rueda se enfrentó  Luciano Varela con el deportista de Canadá,  a quién se le daño la silla de ruedas, en momentos en que estaba ganando el partido. Los deportistas uruguayos pidieron para el partido, y con el entrenador, ayudaron a arreglar la silla del canadiense, para seguir y terminar el partido. El partido fue ganado por el canadiense. El comité organizador en la cabeza del delegado de la ITF Sr. Juan Escobar, el presidente del torneo Sr. José María Valladares miembro del Consejo Directivo del Panathlon Club Buenos Aires)  y el árbitro general, consideraron que el gesto merecía ser premiado, y así se hizo.


On January 10, 2020, the EPOSM project (“Evidence-based Prevention Of Sporting-related Match-fixing”) has been launched with a kick-off meeting at Ghent University. The EPOSM project will run for two years (2020-2021) and is co-funded by the European Commission in the context of the Erasmus+ collaborative partnerships in sport program.

Panathlon Club Delicias celebra Carrera del Juguete

Para iniciar las actividades programadas para el año 2020,  Panathlon Club Delicias llevó a cabo la celebración de la Carrera del Juguete, en la cual tomaron parte un centenar de niños y sus padres de familia en un evento de tipo convivencia, pues además de llevar a cabo esta actividad física deportiva se repartieron juguetes a los participantes.

El objetivo principal fue el de difundir entre la niñez y padres de familia de la región algodonera las actitudes del fair play (juego limpio), el gusto por las actividades sanas y recreativas y de igual manera, llevarles una sonrisa a los niños y niñas de la comunidad a través de este evento de atletismo.

Al final de la actividad, y con su característica de tipo convivencia, todos los participantes se hicieron merecedores de un juguete como premio a su esfuerzo y participación, en un evento que se ha institucionalizado como tradicional de esta Asociación.


International Literary Contest Awards 

Lausanne - 11 January 2020

The award ceremony for the 1st International Literary Contest was held in the Olympic capital of Lausanne in association with the Youth Olympic Games.

At Restaurant Lausanne 2020, in the Flon quarter where the Flame of the Youth Olympic Games shone on the tripod, the Lausanne Club hosted the Medals and Diplomas Ceremony given to the two youth who won the first absolute place. Many representatives of Swiss clubs, Secretary of the Foundation Maurizio Monego and Past International Board Member Renata Soliani attended the event. Unfortunately, President Pierre Zappelli was unable to attend the ceremony, which concluded the path of a project to which he had dedicated himself, because of a knee operation on the same day. 

Secretary General Simona Callo, as well as the responsible of PI Representation of Lausanne, Melody Exhenry and President of the Lausanne Panathlon Club Philippe Cottet, welcomed, on behalf of the President, all those present by explaining the objective of the prize and announcing the two absolute winners of the 1st International Literary Contest: Marta Buscaglia (14 years old) of “Felice Casorati Artistic High School” in Novara and Angelo Petrellese (18 years old) of “Roncalli Higher Institute” in Poggibonsi (SI) who, with their works , "Un tuffo al cuore" and "Poesia", respectively won the first absolute prize for the age categories, 11-15 years and 16-19 years.

After reading the Jury's motivations, President of Lausanne Panathlon Club Philippe Cottet awarded gave the gold medals and diplomas to the winners.

Panathlon International offered the stay in Lausanne to the two prize-winners and their companions to participate and discover the Youth Olympic Games and to visit the city and the Olympic Museum.

At the end of the ceremony, the Secretary General thanked all those who collaborated on this PI project and the members of the Club who worked on the installation of a Panathlon International "stand", for the duration of the YOG, to promote our Association and spread our values among young people. 

Finally, we would like to wish the two young writers who participated in this exciting moment, every success for the future! 






International Literary Contest Prizegiving 

The award ceremony of the two absolute winners for the age group of the 1st  International Literary Contest announced by Panathlon International will be held on Saturday, January 11th in Lausanne. General Secretary Simona Callo will be present on behalf of  Panathlon International. 

A double sporting event as Lausanne will host from 9 to 22 January the third edition of the Youth Olympic Games, where the Panathlon International will be present with a stand set up by the Panathlon Club Lausanne for the duration of the games to promote our Association and spread our values, especially among young people.




Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa