June 8, 2020 - After two months of lockdown, the offices of the General Secretariat are gradually reopening, respecting the security measures still recommended for Covid-19. The staff will work partly in smart working and partly at headquarters at the following hours: 9:30a.m. - 1:30p.m., for a gradual return to normal.

To arrange visits to the International Headquarters please make an appointment

Here are the contact numbers:

0039 0185/ 65295 - 6 

0039 346 5714489 * 0039 346 228 2403  


The President’s Committee of PI during the meeting on 4 June, among the various decisions taken, has assessed, taking into account the improvements in the European continent of the pandemic and hoping that this positive situation will soon be repeated in South America and the rest of the world, to maintain the dates of 17-18 October to carry out its Elective Assembly together with the International Congress, in the city of Osimo.

At the next International Board convened for 26 June, the situation will be discussed and re-evaluated and the International Board will make a final decision on the convening of the Assembly, which will still be carried out only if the international health situation allows it and following the instructions of the WHO and the governments.



A question not new and already debated within Panathlon International came up again: the use of the panathletic symbol in the institutional and individual communication of individual members.

At the recent meeting of the President’s Committee, in the face of recent private statements by members on social media, with the display of the symbol, the question was raised about the appropriateness of such free use.

The President’s Committee reiterated the line already adopted in the past to reserve the right to display the symbol only to institutional bodies in their official communications and documentation, namely:

- International bodies

- National districts

- Areas

- Clubs

The individual debate among members is positive and providential for internal dialectics but must take place under the regime of total freedom and therefore engage personal opinions that cannot be supported by the symbol of all.



Mercoledì 27 maggio alle ore 20.30 il Club Sondrio organizza una videoconferenza sul tema "Senza giro" 

Link, credenziali ed eventuali istruzioni per il collegamento



On Saturday, May 16, a new meeting was held by videoconference with many representatives of the American Districts and International President Pierre Zappelli to discuss the theme "Nueva normalidad del Panathlon". The consequences of the Covid-19 have been explained in the various countries especially in Panathlon."

It was a very fruitful and interesting meeting that aroused a lot of enthusiasm.

Below the excerpts of the interventions received by Eva Szabo Secretary of Panathlon Club Buenos Aires and Ashanti Ramirez Secretary of Panathlon Club Mexico City.

In the coming weeks will follow similar texts. 



Secondo Consiglio Direttivo del Panathlon Club Venezia in videoconferenza Duo. All'esame alcune proposte dei soci e la volontà di avviare alcune iniziative a favore delle Società sportive veneziane una volta che sarà possibile ripartire con l'attività.

Partirá subito un'analisi della situazione in cui si trovano in questa fase innanzitutto le 33 società aderenti all'Osservatorio Pratica Sportiva del Panathlon Club Venezia che hanno sottoscritto le carte panathletiche.

On 1st May, at the initiative of Carlos de Leon, Past-president of  Maldonado y Punta del Este Panathlon Club, a videoconference was held in the presence of International President Pierre Zappelli and Secretary General Simona Callo.

Some representatives from Buenos Aires, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay attended the meeting.

Each one exposed the situation related to the Covid-19 pandemic in their own countries and the repercussions on everyone's life and the life of Panathlon.

It was a very fruitful and interesting meeting that aroused a lot of enthusiasm.

It was therefore decided to carry out new videoconferencing every fifteen days during which various topics will be addressed.

Lisbon - Video conference on "Postponement of the Olympic Games 2020"

The videoconference organized by the Lisbon Panathlon Club on the consequences of the postponement of the 2020 Olympic Games had a huge success with more than 120 registrations / about 90 participants, including members of the Panathlon Clubs of other countries, such as Brazil. 


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa