The Cultural Foundation PI - Domenico Chiesa and Panathlon International, will launch, at the beginning of the year, a new Photographic Competition addressed to young people of the age group 18-25 years, of every Country of the World.

The initiative born with the Sport Foundation of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia and with the collaboration of Palazzo Magnani Foundation has the aim to promote, through photography, the principles of Olympism and the aims of Panathlon International for the affirmation of the sport ideal and its moral and cultural values as instrument of formation and elevation of the person and of solidarity among men and peoples.

The 30 selected works will be the subject of an exhibition which will be staged as part of the events of the European Photography Festival. Cash prizes will be awarded to the first three winners. The "Public Prize" and the "Panathlon Club Prize" will also be awarded.

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Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa