Panathlon International recalls with pleasure Mario Mangiarotti


Mourning in the world of Panathlon International and fencing: Mario Mangiarotti has died at the age of 98 years after a long illness, passing on the fencing baton to to Carola, Edo s’ daughter.

World Medal (silver in Stockholm 1951), son of Olympic fencing champion Giuseppe Mangiarotti and brother of fencers Dario and Edoardo Mangiarotti. A native of Renate, he began his medical career as a cardiologist.

He had been President of the Panathlon Club Bergamo and Governor of what was then “District 2” (currently Area 02 Lombardia) of the Panathlon International and President of the provincial CONI of Bergamo for 25 years.


Mario l'ultimo della dinastia dei Mangiarotti


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa