Panathlon Family Games

Le Panathlon Lausanne, en collaboration avec les clubs sportifs de la région, la Ville de Lausanne, Lausanne Région et le SEPS, organise la 9e édition des Family Games.

L’objectif est d’encourager les jeunes à la pratique sportive et de découvrir de nouveaux sports

Un nouveau record aux "Deux chapelles"

La 4e Course des deux chapelles du Panathlon Club Chablais a été dominée par Maude Mathys, record à la clé, et Pierre-André Ramuz, pour la toute dernière fois sur le parcours de 4,9km pour 700m d'ascension entre Monthey (VS) et Les Giettes.

Dimanche 5 mai 2019, la marraine Maude Mathys (Ollon, VD) a pulvérisé son propre record de l'épreuve, en s'imposant en 30:40 (anc. 31:12), devant la jeune Thibe Deseyn (Leysin, 36:34) et Olivia Oberholzer (Monthey, 37:42). Également marraine de cette manifestation caritative, Laura Hrebec (Illarsaz), absente, défendait sa victoire sur les 20km de Lausanne.

Chez les messieurs, cette 2e épreuve de la Coupe valaisanne de la montagne n'a pas échappé à Pierre-André Ramuz (Charrat) dans l'excellent temps de 29.11, devant le parrain César Costa (Martigny, 30:13) et Patrick Feuz (Lenk im Simmental, 30:16).

Une vraie course de montagne

"J'ai eu de superbes sensations et je ne pensais pas battre mon record de l'an passé", déclara Maude Mathys. "Il n'y avait presque pas de neige sur le parcours, c'était de la vraie course de montagne".

Aucune prime n’est versée pour attirer les champions, pourtant les populaires ont pu mesurer leur effort face à des athlètes de références. Les marcheurs, avec ou sans bâtons, ainsi que les écoliers, sur une boucle dédiée dans la zone d’arrivée, ont assuré le succès de cette 4e édition.

Les fonds récoltés serviront à soutenir de jeunes sportifs du Chablais parrainés par le Panathlon. Une grande soirée leur sera dédiée le 3 septembre, avec la présentation des nouveaux bénéficiaires, en présence de la centaine de bénévoles.




The three-day working sessions and events that took place at the LIUC University of Castellanza as from April 4 to 6 2019, were completed.

Following the opening conference meeting dealing with , “Women’s sports” organized by Panathlon International Club La Malpensa, focused on the 2018-2019 Merit Awards assigned to student-athlete Silvia Pollicini, professional cyclist and student of the University of Castellanza,  thus followed by Panthlon International’s Committee of District Presidents,  Panathlon International’s, Extraordinary Elective CAB Assembly  alongside Panathlon International’s District Italy Ordinary General Assembly and the Assembly of Area 2 – Lombardy.

The District Presidents Assembly meeting, has benefited from the participation of all the representatives of the various countries where Panathlon International is present: for the Americas: Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Peru/Bolivia, Uruguay/Paraguay, for Europe: Austria, France, Italy, Switzerland/FL , justified absent representatives: Belgium. Ecuador and the Supranational body. After the presentation of Panathlon International’s activities, illustrated by International President and the General Secretary, were subsequently followed by the reports made by the various Presidents on the activities that are being carried out at district level. After the exchanges of views and constructive confrontations a final edition of the document was drafted, which will be submitted in the upcoming International Board Meeting. Among the various issues taken into consideration, particular focus was given to the integration of young people in the movement  and on the importance of confirming Panathlon as the world’s reserve of ethics, in the hope to carry out a strategic five-year development plan, already presented by the Peru District, on the improvement of relations among some Districts and  the National Olympic Committees.

On April 6th, 2019, in the Auditorium of the LIUC University the Panathlon International’s Extraordinary General Meeting was held, chaired by International President, Mr. Pierre Zappelli, the following members were appointed: Vice-President, Mr. Enrico Salomi, President of La Malpensa Club and Secretary, Mr. Lilvio Ungaro, President of the Trieste Muggia Club.


132 Clubs attended (physically present and by proxy) The Assembly was open with the speech given by University Chancellor, Professor Federico Visconti illustrating the activities carried out by the University. After the presentation of some candidates and brief comments, voting took place with the following outcome:

- Mr. Franco Fähndrich – Panthlon Club Lucerne (Switzerland) - 105 Votes

- Mr. Riccardo Galassi – Panathlon Club Ancona (Italy) – 77 Votes

- Mr. Goliardo Canonico – Panathlon Club Perugia (Italy) – 75 Votes

- Mr. Giovanni Brichetto – Panathlon Club Genova (Italy) – 48 Votes

- Mr. Pasquale De Palma – Panathlon Club Molfetta (Italy) – 43 Votes

- Mr. Riccardo Puzzo – Panathlon Club Siracusa (Italy) – 30 Votes

- Mr. Norberto M. Romano Alonzo – Panathlon Club Montevideo (U) – Votes 29 

Thus elected are: effective members: Mr. Franco Fähndrich, Mr. Riccardo Galassi, Mr. Goliardo Canonico and substitute members, Mr. Giovanni Brichetto and Mr. Pasquale De Palma.

We wish to thank all the candidates for their contribution

Thanks are also due to the Verifying Credentials Committee and effective members: Mr. Enrico Stochetti, President Panathlon Club Varese, Mr. Andrea Da Roit, President Panathlon Club Florence and Ms. Eugenia Maccorsini member of the La Malpensa Club that with their high-standing commitment and cooperation have essentially assisted the carrying out of accreditations.

To follow the District Italy General Assembly took place which established the approval of all the proposals unanimously.

In addition to what aforementioned Panathlon Club La Malpensa organized an evocative and inspiring mediaeval dinner with jugglers and dancers held at the Manor of San Magno in Legnano. A heartfelt thanks goes to all the members of the Club La Malpensa, its President, Mr. Enrico Salomi and to Mr. Sergio Allegrini who personally invested his time for the successful outcome of the events.  



The Six books finalists of the Bancarella Sport 2019

The commission of selection of the Bancarella Sport Prize 2019 met in Milan, at the Bank Cesare Ponti. The Contest for Sports Literature was added to the general one on the proposal of the Panathlon Carrara e Massa’s members, in particular by Renzo Chiappale, in 1964.

The regulations provides that among the books published in the previous year, six are chosen by a selection board composed of representatives of the “Fondazione Città del Libro” of Pontremoli, organiser of the event, by the representatives of the Main Sports Magazines and a commissioner of Panathlon International who for some years has been P.I. Past-President Mr. Giacomo Santini, journalist and sports writer.

This year the selection has affected about twenty competing books, the result of a previous skimming carried out in Pontremoli to bring to the Scrutiny Commission works of good-quality.

The Six selected volumes are:

“Radiogol” by Riccardo Cucchi, editor Il Saggiatore

“Demoni” by Alessandro Alciato – Vallardi

“Il caso Fiorenzo Magni” by Walter Bernardi, Ediciclo

“4810 Il monte Bianco” by Paolo Paci, Corbaccio

“Caimani” by Eraldo Pizzo e Claudio Mangini, Sagep Editors

“Asfalto” by Andrea Dovizioso, Mondadori

These six selected books will be screened by a special jury of 70 large voters (20 booksellers, 45 personalities of culture and Sport, 15 members of Panathlon International) who decree the absolute winner. 

Every year, in July, the votes and the award ceremony are carried out in Piazza della Repubblica in Pontremoli, with a great day of culture and passion for sport.


Nel corso di una cerimonia ufficiale il Panathlon Club Valdarno ha consegnato le Carte etiche dell’associazione anche al Liceo Sportivo ‘Benedetto Varchi’ di Montevarchi.

“Continua il nostro impegno nella diffusione attraverso dei valori e dell’educazione allo sport in tutti i luoghi in cui questo è praticato – ha detto il presidente del Panathlon Siro Pasquini -: impianti sportivi, campi di gioco, palestre, piscine e appunto anche scuole, dove il grande pannello sarà posizionato di fronte alla sala di ricevimento degli insegnanti, luogo di passaggio molto frequentato per studenti e genitori”.

Alla cerimonia di presentazione della nuova installazione hanno partecipato gli allievi della classe quarta del Liceo Sportivo montevarchino, la Dirigente Professoressa Chiara Casucci, la Vice Preside Professoressa Patrizia Becattini e la Professoressa Patrizia Odorici. In rappresentanza del Panathlon Club, erano presenti il Vice Presidente Vicario del Distretto Italia e socio del Panathlon Club Valdarno Leno Chisci, il Presidente del Club Siro Pasquini, il Segretario Franco Storri e i Consiglieri Luigi Proietti e Roberto Casucci.

Per continuare la propria opera di diffusione delle Carte Etiche sul territorio valdarnese, il Panathlon Club Valdarno chiederà adesso il Patrocinio delle Amministrazioni Comunali che ancora non hanno aderito al progetto.

Reconocidos deportistas y cronistas deportivos fueron reconocidos dentro de la Primera Gala de Reconocimientos que organizó el Panathlon Club Delicias, en lo que fue el evento para promocionar los objetivos éticos y culturales del deporte promulgados en los valores éticos para el desarrollo del ser humano.




The Committee of the District Presidents will be held in Castellanza (Varese, Italy) on Friday, April 5, 2019, from 9:00 am at the Auditorium "Università Carlo Cattaneo " LIUC.

The Presidents of the Districts Austria, Brazil,  Chile, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Switzerland and Uruguay will attend the meeting.



The works of the International Board have begun today 21st March 2019 in Lausanne at the “Olympia Hall” of the Olympic Museum.

Work in progress


Trois courses à pied s’unissent autour du Défi du Chablais.

Le Panathlon Club Chablais chapeaute le lancement d’un partenariat entre trois organisateurs du Chablais valaisans, qui collaboraient déjà depuis quelques années.

Les buts sont d’encourager la pratique sportive, de promouvoir les valeurs du Panathlon (fair-play, saine éducation sportive, etc.) et de renforcer les liens entre des manifestations sportives de la région.


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa