Does sport desert the 'deserts' of values ?
The Club of Lucca, through a letter from its President, relaunches and deepens a recently topical issue, following the World Cup held in Qatar.
It was appropriate to assign the organisation of a world sporting event to a nation that has been criticised many times:
1. For its failure to observe universally shared human and social values?
2. For the indifference with which the many fatal accidents that occurred during the work on the pharaonic sports facilities were ignored?
3. For the flaunting of the power of money as an absolute value in settling technical disputes and political and federal negotiations?
4. Is it now right, after this affair, to proceed with the assignment of the organisation of the 2030 World Cup to Saudi Arabia, another reality where many civil rights are trampled upon, without any consideration for ethical and moral aspects?
5. How do you assess such choices and orientations of FIFA aimed only at the availability of financial resources?
6. OR should sport overlook these moral considerations and safeguard only technical and structural guarantees?
7. FINALLY: Should Panathlon International express itself on these considerations in an official form?
Send us your opinions and in the next issue of our magazine we will publish the outcome of the discussion and the recommended orientation for Panathlon International.
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