The final event of the Erasmus Sport Against Match Fixing (SAMF) project, in which Panathlon International was Partner, was held in Lisbon on 23 and 24 April at the Cidade do Futebol (headquarters of FPF, coordinator of the project).
The International President Pierre Zappelli, the Secretary General Simona Callo and the Secretary of the Expansion Commission Fabio Figueiras were present.
This final conference was very well organized by the Consortium Partner and Coordinator, Portuguese Football Federation (FPF) and can be seen at the following link.
SAMF is an EU-funded Erasmus+ project that has as its main objective the prevention and education of young athletes about the risks that match fixing activities can bring to their career.
Panathlon International, among the various tasks for the realisation of the activities, has participated in the final research, in the Focus Group discussions, in the elaboration of the toolkit, in the dissemination of the project also through its Ambassadors and clubs in Europe and Americas. It was an important opportunity to meet several personalities from the world of sport, not only from Europe.
During the Closing Ceremony of the 2024 PCU Games, Prof. Dr. Francis Baron Van Loon was recognized for his outstanding contributions to university sports. Nils Van de Velden, President of Panathlon Antwerp, presented him with the prestigious Panathlon Antwerp Sports Personality Award. Prof. Van Loon’s dedication to promoting university sports is exemplified through his roles as Rector of the University of Antwerp, President of the Antwerp Association of Student Sport, Chairman of two FISU World University Championships, and member of the Executive Board of the PCU Committee.
Photo: On the left, Prof. Dr. Francis Van Loon, honored as the Panathlon Antwerp Sports Personality, stands alongside Paul Standaert, President of Panathlon Belgium.
Under the Belgian presidency, the annual European Sports Forum took place in Liege.
Panathlon International was strongly represented there by, among others, Paul Standaert, president District Belgium, Köle Gjeloshaj, vice president Panathlon Wallonie-Bruxelles, Alvise Angelini, administrator at Panathlon EU Brussel, and Olympian Cedric Van Branteghem, Belgian ambassador for fair-play and also founding member of Panathlon EU Brussels.
The European Forum is the meeting place where numerous international sports federations and European sports organisations meet. This melting pot is at the same time a unique exchange project where the core message around lifelong healthy and ethical sports is the topic of discussion for all.
For Panathlon too, this means an opportunity to share our vision and misse with like-minded people and connect with policymakers at the European level.
Special focus today is on sport with and among young people (schools, recreation, inclusion,...) as well as exercise in later life. Studies show the direct impact on well-being in later life as on controlling costs of care and recovery.
It is reassuring to note that Integrity in Sport too is something for which Panathlon has been pioneering for a long time remains high on the agenda.
For Panathlon, this again shows the importance of staying involved in initiatives at the international level. The role and involvement of the Representations in Brussels and Lausanne remain extremely important in this regard.
On Tuesday, 16 April in Lerici (SP), Secretary General Simona Callo and President of District Italy Giorgio Costa were invited to the inauguration of the exhibition of drawings organised by the Colors For Peace Association. A synergy of intentions was born on the occasion of the Pan-American Congress in Guayaquil last October. The Ceremony, in which Lerici schoolchildren participated with the realisation of more than five hundred drawings, was the occasion to present PI to all participants, Administration and school principals.
Panathlon International and Colors for Peace have given themselves the appointment at the Olympic Games in Paris next August. Through the collaboration with the District Italy, the Italian National Olympic Committee has granted a space at "Casa Italia" where we project the works and/or photographs of our International Competitions (realised with the Foundation PI-D.Chiesa), together with the drawings that children from all over the world (age 6-10) have produced on the theme of Peace.
An important opportunity to spread our Values in the world's most important sporting event.
Grande successo per il convegno Panathlon “Sport Against Match-Fixing”
Nella cornice del Salone delle Conferenze del Circolo Cittadino “Sante Palumbo” in Piazza del Popolo (Latina), il Panathlon Club di Latina, ieri (15 aprile 2024) ha presentato il Convegno "Sport Against Match-Fixing" (SAMF), lo sport contro le partite truccate”.
Platea numerosa e variegata, con la presenza di sportivi e rappresentative giovanili straordinariamente partecipi, il meeting ha inteso illustrare le attività svolte nell’ambito del programma Erasmus+ Sport, finanziato dalla Comunità Europea e coordinato dalla Federazione calcistica portoghese (FPF). Sport Against Match-Fixing, questo il nome del progetto che ha avuto il Panathlon International quale partner privilegiato, e che mira a sensibilizzare i giovani atleti sull'impatto negativo di questa pratica sulle loro carriere e soprattutto sulla loro formazione e personalità, con particolare riguardo alle buone pratiche di prevenzione del fenomeno.
Moderato dal giornalista Pierluigi Grande, da sempre impegnato sul fronte dell’etica sportiva, il Convegno ha visto intervenire l'Avvocato Giovanni Fontana Docente di Diritto Sportivo della Scuola dello Sport di Sport e Salute e Consulente Parlamentare per la Riforma della Legge sullo Sport; Barbara Rossi esperta del settore psico-pedagogico, pedagogista, atleta, allenatrice e dirigente nella pallavolo femminile e Ambassador al progetto, Stefano Sanderra, già atleta e allenatore del Latina Calcio, attualmente trainer Lazio Primavera; Maurizio Targa, giornalista e scrittore pontino da sempre appassionato di storie sportive.
Numerosi gli interventi, dai giovani atleti a figure di spessore nel mondo accademico e sportivo come l’Avvocato Simone Di Leginio, l’Avv. Matteo Sperduti, Andrea Chiappini, Alessia Gasbarroni e per il Panathlon di Latina il Presidente Umberto Martone e il Presidente Onorario Massimo Zichi.
Al Convegno per il Comune di Latina è stato presente l’Assessore allo Sport Andrea Chiarato che ha commentato l’incontro auspicando che il manuale conclusivo del progetto possa essere portato e illustrato nel territorio per sensibilizzare i giovani atleti al problema purtroppo in crescita.
Sono state analizzate, fornendo i dati riscontrati, cause, soggetti colpiti, metodi di approccio, conseguenze e possibili strategie di prevenzione nei confronti della pericolosa minaccia del “match fixing”.
L'International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA) in cinque anni (2017-2021), ha evidenziato 1.222 segnalazioni in 19 sport e 101 Paesi. L’Europa fa la parte del leone, con oltre il 50% dei casi riscontrati, la Russia il Paese con il maggior numero di episodi. Ovviamente il calcio, per la sua diffusione (895 miliardi di euro annui solo di scommesse legali ruotano intorno al football) lo sport più gettonato, ma si piazzano bene anche quelli in cui l’azione di un solo uomo (tennis, ciclismo, motociclismo, rally) condizionano l’esito di un evento sportivo. Le serie minori quelle maggiormente insidiate, ed il fenomeno pervade sempre più i Paesi nei quali i controlli sono scarsi, anche per la facilità di effettuare scommesse via web, in ogni angolo del mondo.
Particolarmente grave il fenomeno nei settori giovanili, sempre più insidiati da tale minaccia, per l’attrattività che il guadagno facile può generare nei più giovani e per le conseguenze devastanti, anche a livello di crescita personale, oltre che professionale, che una simile minaccia può comportare per le nuove leve.
Il Panathlon – ha sintetizzato il Presidente del Club Umberto Martone, si impegna a perseguire programmi, incontri e quanto più possa risultare utile per diffondere presso le istituzioni scolastiche e i vivai sportivi i valori di correttezza, solidarietà, inclusività e rettitudine che da sempre rappresentano i valori fondanti della nostra Associazione».
The prizes of the International Photo Contest 2024 were awarded at the end of the Club Representatives voting and after the International Jury meeting.
The final ranking of the selected photographs: "Water sports" by Matteo Strassera (Italy). "Untitled" - by Gorondi Gabor (Argentina), "Spiritual Elevation" by Chiara Sacco (Italy), "Flakes of Fatigue" by Leonardo Demarco (Italy) and "Fair Play" by Sudip Maiti (India) will be officially announced at the award ceremony of the OFF Circuit of EUROPEAN PHOTOGRAPHY, which will take place in Reggio Emilia on 4 May 2024.
The exhibition of the 30 competing works will be inaugurated on 26 April at the UNIMORE University of Reggio Emilia.
On the eve of 100 days to go, the flame for the Olympic Games Paris 2024 has been lit. It was ignited at the historic birthplace of the Olympic Games in Ancient Olympia in Greece. The Olympic flame, embodying peace and hope, will now journey across Greece before coming to France. After arriving in Marseille on 8 May, it will travel across the entire country, and some French overseas territories, arriving at the Opening Ceremony in Paris on 26 July.
In his speech, in front of thousands of people, President Bach highlighted Paris 2024’s dedication to upholding the Olympic values and fostering global unity.
The Olympic Games are the only event that brings the entire world together in peaceful competition. The Olympic athletes send this powerful message: yes, it is possible to compete fiercely against each other and at the same time live peacefully together under one roof. The athletes will shine and show us what greatness humans are capable of with all their excellence, determination and resilience.
At the General Assembly of the Belgian Rowing Federation, Gwenda Stevens, ambassador of the Sport Against Match Fixing project, presented the SAMF project, capturing the interest of those present.
The project was also presented to the young U19 and U23 rowers preparing for the upcoming European and World Championships.
The global sports movement’s most influential decision-makers have arrived in Birmingham, West Midlands, for the return of sport’s No.1 global gathering
The SportAccord World Sport & Business Summit 2024 opened in Birmingham, with more than 1,500 delegates from over 100 countries meeting in the West Midlands for the highly anticipated return of sport’s most important industry summit.
Key figures from across the international sports movement have embarked on five days of networking from 7-11 April, with high-level meetings, a bustling exhibition, and a packed conference programme under the umbrella theme of ‘The Power of Sport’.
World-class speakers will include sports leaders such as Mark Rein, Vice President and Co-Founder, Epic Games; UK Sport Chair Dame Katherine Grainger; Rob Alberino, Vice-President of Content and Production, Kansas City Chiefs; and many more.
International President Pierre Zappelli attends the event
El 25 de marzo el Panathlon Club buenos Aires organizó una reunión presencial y virtual en el Salón Auditorio del Comité Olímpico Argentino para tratar el tema "El deporte contra el amaño de los partidos: cuando comenzar ...?" en el que se presentó las normas del Comité Olímpico Internacional en relación al tema y el programa SAMF. Se encontraron presentes autoridades del Comité Olímpico Argentino, su presidente Mario Moccia, la vicepresidente Alicia Massoni y el secretario general Víctor Sergio Groupierre, el presidente del Distrito Argentina del Panathlon International Jorge Minuto, presidentes de los clubes de Argentina, panathletas, profesores de educación física, alumnos universitarios, y panathletas de América a traves de zoom.
Se inició la reunión con la bienvenida del Presidente del Comité Olímpico Argentino, quién mencionó las tareas realizadas para despertar a la sociedad sobre este tema que preocupa a todos, luego la presidente del P.Club Buenos Aires Eva Szabo introdujo al orador Dr. Estanislao Osores Soler, abogado, consejero del Comité Olímpico Argentino quién explicó los problemas y manipulaciones que se ven en los deportes que interesan a multitudes y las medidas que aconsejadas por el COI.- Fabio Figueras desde el P.Club Lisboa explicó de que se trata el programa en el que están trabajando y de que forma tratan de lograr que los deportistas que recién se inicien estén al tanto de la problemática, mediante comics y presentaciones con el programa de SAMF. Finalizó la presentación la Secretaria General del P.I. Simona Callo, con información del programa SAMF y noticias del Panathlon Internacional.
La concurrencia pudo realizar preguntas a los oradores, finalizando la reunión con el agradecimiento a todos los participantes.