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Farewell to Carlo Alberto Magi

Panathlon International learns with deep regret that Carlo Alberto Magi has left us.

President of the Club of Arezzo from 1978 to 1981, Governor of the former VI District, now Area 6, from 1983 to 1987, Central board Member of Panathlon International from 1988 to 1991. Speaker on various topics at Clubs and Sports Institutions, he is author of articles on the history of the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece published in specialized magazines. In 2003 he was elected Honorary President of the Panathlon Club Arezzo.

We remember him in particular for having wanted, with great competence and passion, to reconstruct the history of Panathlon from its constitution to 2011 through the publication of two volumes: "40 years in the world of sport" and "60 years in the world of sport"

He will remain in our memory with his smile and enthusiasm.

Our deepest condolences to the Club and the family.

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa