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Panathlon International Cultural Foundation – “Domenico Chiesa” and FICTS - Fédération Internationale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs International audio-video Competition 

 Are you keen on Cinema and Sport?

Do you like creating videos?

Today we would like to announce the latest international audio-video competition (max. 4’ – self-made) open to all, free registration. The theme is "SPORT AS PROMOTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS THROUGH IMAGES"

- Total prize value € 6,000 - Find out how to register following this link:   https://bit.ly/Sport-as-Promotion-of-Human-Rights

- Hai tempo fino al 31 Luglio 2021

La Competizione è promossa ed organizzata da Fondazione Panathlon International Domenico Chiesa e dalla FICTS Federation Internationale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs (123 Nazioni affiliate).

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa