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Awarded in Rapallo Cristiano Pugno winner of the International Photographic Competition of Panathlon International

During the convivial meeting organized by the Panathlon Club of Rapallo presided by Adelindo Molinari, Panathlon International has awarded the first prize of the Photographic Competition "sport&covid" to Cristiano Pugno of Rapallo, that with his photo has conquered the International Jury.

The Prize (a smartphone) was awarded by the General Secretary Simona Callo who reminded those present how the idea of the Competition was born and how it developed. In a few months have arrived at the General Secretariat of PI many photos, coming from the Nations where Panathlon is present, but not only. Photographers from Argentina, Belgium, France, Italy, Russia, Switzerland and Uruguay joined through the language of images to communicate emotions, concerns and new behaviours that this pandemic has forced us to live in sport and in our lives. 

The winner of the competition thanked Panathlon International for the important recognition that had the following motivation: "For the spontaneity of the coach's gesture but also for the great sadness that emanates with his attitude almost of resignation towards the slavery of the mask and rubber gloves". The evening was also attended by President of District Italy Giorgio Costa, journalist Emanuele Dotto and footballer Narciso Pezzotti.


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Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa