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Route6 of Panathlon started from Rapallo ! September 13th 2021


In a beautiful typical September day has started the Route6 that this year, to celebrate 70 years of Panathlon International will join Rapallo, which hosts the Headquarters, to Venice, where it was born in 1951.

The event was organized by the area 01 in collaboration with the District Italy of PI.

The cyclists left from the sea promenade of Rapallo, greeted by the Mayor Carlo Bagnasco, by the IB Member Giorgio Chinellato representing PI, by the Secretary General Simona Callo, by the President of District Italy Giorgio Costa, 

Governors Giuseppe Falco (Area 01) and Germano Tabaroni (Area 04) with many other Panathletes.

The participants coming from various Panathlon Clubs, reached Portofino and on the way back they stopped to visit the Headquarters of Panathlon International where they were welcomed and refreshed with the typical Genoese focaccia.

The continuation of the stage brought them to Chiavari and then they ended the day at the Dallara Historical Museum in Fornovo and at the arrival, in the late afternoon, in Crema.

It was really a great emotion to meet so many panathletes who ventured on this route bringing a breath of enthusiasm, friendship and panathletic and sporting spirit. 

Good Route and congratulations to both organizers and participants for the success of this first stage.

Here you can find all the updated news about the route

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa