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Working group PI Representation Lausanne

At the office of Panathlon International at the Maison du Sport in Lausanne, on 16 November 2021, the Working Group of the PI Representation in Lausanne was constituted and held its first meeting.

The Group at the moment (as decided by the IB) is constituted by PI President Pierre Zappelli, PI Secretary General Simona Callo, the President of the District CH-FL Bernhard Segesser, the President of the Club Lausanne Philippe Cottet, the Secretary of the International Archery Federation (absent at this meeting) and the Secretary of the Representation, Melody Exhenry. IB Member Patrick Van Camphenout, the President of the District Belgium Paul Standard and Prof. Yves Vanden Aweele, former member of the PI Cultural Commission, participated in the meeting, as they were present in Lausanne for EPOSM.

They gave their experience on the activities carried out by the PI Representation in Belgium. Peter Wüthrich, member of the CH+ FL District Council, was also present. Among the various hypotheses discussed, the idea was to develop a tool, to be distributed to clubs, to facilitate their intervention in schools and spread our values among children/youth, thus contributing to their formative education.

It was then discussed on the possibility of studying a project that sees the establishment of an 'ethics commission' as also suggested in the final document of the meeting of the District Presidents Committee, which can become a point of reference not only for Panathlon International.

On these bases the next meeting has been programmed, during which it will be discussed also about the date to officially inaugurate the PI Representation in Lausanne.



Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa