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GAISF Associate Members Meeting  - Tuesday 1 February 2022


The President and the Secretary General participated in the meeting organized by the Associations affiliated to GAISF, of which Panathlon International has been part for more than 25 years. The meeting started with various reflections on the general situation of GAISF. Then Bruno Molea, President of CSIT and Representative of the "Associate Members" also at the GAISF Board, brought the attention on the necessity to increase the collaboration among the various Associations and on the possibility to improve their visibility on GAISF website. President Pierre Zappelli said that we are in a not very clear situation and that Panathlon International is happy to increase the collaboration, as it is already doing, but that he would like to understand the evolution of the situation. President Molea undertook to bring an update after the Board meeting in mid-February. 



Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa