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Lausanne - Olympic Capital of Sport welcomes the 50th General Assembly of Panathlon International

From 9th to 12th June 2022, the President’s Committee and the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly of PI took place at the Maison du Sport and the University of Lausanne.

Intense days that involved the participants not only in the assembly work, but also in the opportunity to enjoy the beauty and liveliness of the city and to visit the Olympic Museum, where the Gala Dinner was also held.

On the evening of Thursday, the participants were guests of the Lausanne Club for a tasting of local wines in the magnificent setting of Grandvaux (UNESCO site). The following day, the President’s Committee discussed the next institutional events taking advantage of the presence of International Board member Eugenio Guglielmino, delegate for relations with the Commission for Culture, Science and Education: 

first and foremost, the presentation of the Flambeau d'Or Award to IOC President Thomas Bach on 16 September together with the PI International Congress. We cannot yet anticipate the topic as it will have to be approved by the Board, but we believe it will be impactful and very timely. The dates for the meetings of the District Presidents' Committee, International Board and Expansion Commission have also been decided. Beausoleil (F) 28-29 September.

On the evening of Friday 10 June, participants were welcomed to a 'Welcome Dinner' at Café Romand, one of the oldest in Lausanne, where the famous 'fondue', a typical dish of the region, was served.

Saturday 11 June saw the opening of the Assemblies, first Ordinary and in the afternoon Extraordinary, preceded by Prof. Riccardo Partinico's interesting presentation on the studies of the Riace Bronzes. All the reports were presented and approved by the Assembly after the interventions of the EFPM (European Fair Play Movement) President. First the IB's Moral report, followed by the intervention of IB Member Giorgio Chinellato who reported on the collaboration with OneOcean, then the presentation of the PI Development Plan (2022-2026) by IB Member Luis Moreno and finally the presentation of the work of the Expansion Commission by IB Member Patrick Van Campenhout. This was followed by all the other statutory reports, the General Secretary's organisational report, the Treasurer's economic-financial report for the two-year period 2020/2021, the Auditor’s Committee report, the membership fees, and the budget for the years 2023/2024. Everything was approved by a large majority. Several speeches were made by representatives of District Italy, about the PI's choices especially in relation to the costs of the Representations, the impact of the projects and requests for clarification on some budget items.  Clubs will receive the Minutes with all the votes.

Before the break for lunch, the intervention of the Rector of the University of Antwerp Prof. Francis Van Loon on the activities of the Panathlon Club University (PCU) and the passage of baton between Lausanne and Agrigento that will host the 51st Assembly of the PI.

With a little delay the works was followed by the Extraordinary Assembly for the Statute changes. After the initial discussions on the amendment of Art. 1) (PI representations) which remained unchanged, Art. 17) (minimum number of clubs that make up the District) whose amendment was withdrawn, Art. 5) (young members) Art. 10.5) (emergency resolutions) which were not accepted, the other amendments presented by the IB and the clubs were essentially approved. The most important changes will concern the composition of the IB, (there will be an additional International Board Member who will replace - in terms of voting - the past-president); the possibility of re-election for a further term of office for all organs (IB-District Presidents-Governors) and the possibility of convening all meetings electronically. 

After the Assembly closed, a coach took the participants to the IOC Auditorium, where the 2020-2021 Communication Award Ceremony took place. 

The Secretary General Simona Callo presented, on behalf of the Commission, all the clubs that participated in the Competition and proclaimed the winners: the Panathlon Club of Maldonado y Punta del Este for the TV/Radio section, the Panathlon Club of Rovigo for the printed paper section and the Panathlon Club of Brussel EU for the web/social section.

The evening ended in the Pierre De Coubertin room at the Olympic Museum where, in a nice atmosphere of friendship and relaxation, an impressive dinner was held, accompanied by the notes of two young musicians from the Lausanne Conservatory.

The 'Lausanne Days' ended on Sunday with a free visit to the Olympic Museum, which collects the history of the Olympic Movement from its origins: an experience not to be missed for those who love sport.




Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa