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Panathlon Club Padova - The comment on ethical cycling

Renato Zanovello comments on a symbolic episode of the Tour de France:

"Every day the mass-media provide very sad news about the many scourges that are devastating humanity from the health, economic, social, political, ecological and so on, due to a phenomenon of incomprehensible self-destruction if not with the unjustified motivation of an immediate benefit that ignores or tramples on any form of human dignity. But, as a man of sport, as a panathlete, I found some relief in learning the good news of the great gesture of fair-play by a young Danish cyclist, J. Vingegaard, who at the Tour de France stopped to wait for his direct rival, the Slovenian champion T. Pogacar, who crashed on the route, before going on to win the stage and consolidate his lead in the classification."

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Panathlon International

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