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Change at the helm of PI Boards

PI’s Constitution and Arbitration Board (CAB) and Auditors’ Board (AB) have appointed their two new Chairs, respectively Sandro Fagiolino from Panathlon Club Orvieto and Giuseppe Ravasi from Panathlon Club Parma, to whom we wish a most fruitful work.

This decision was adopted by common accord by all the members who, since they took office after election in 2020, had agreed on rotating the chairmanship at mid-term. We wish to thank Riccardo Galassi from Panathlon Club Ancona and Andrea Sbardellati from Panathlon Club Siena for chairing the two Boards since late 2022 and for showing continued service-oriented commitment together with Franco Fähndrich (CAB) from Panathlon Club Luzern and Marino Albani (AB) from Panathlon Club San Marino.


In the picture, in order: Marino Albani (AB) Panathlon Club San Marino, Andrea Sbardellati (AB) Panathlon Club Siena, Riccardo Galassi (CAB) Panathlon Club Ancona, Franco Fähndrich (CAB) Panathlon Club Luzern

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa