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Für sein jahrzehntelanges Wirken und sein breites Engagement in den verschiedensten Funktionen für den OL-Sport wird Ernst die Ehre zuteil, der diesjährige Preisträger des Prix Panathon zu sein.

Wir gratulieren ganz herzlich - und sind sehr stolz auf unser Ehrenmitglied.

Auszug  aus der Zuger Zeitung:

Freiwilligenarbeit mit Herzblut

An diesem Abend geht es aber nicht nur um Sportler und Sportlerinnen im Vordergrund, sondern auch um die Leute, die im Hintergrund für den Erfolg sorgen. Um auch sie zu ehren, wird der «Prix Panathlon» verliehen. Dafür tritt Anne-Marie In-Albon auf die Bühne, Präsidentin des Panathlon Clubs Zug. «Der Preis wird an Leute verliehen, die viele Stunden dafür aufbringen, dass es Junge an die Spitze schaffen», sagt sie.

Dieses Jahr wird Ernst Moos gekürt, der auch bekannt ist als «Mr. OL». Wie der Spitzname bereits verrät, ist eine seiner Leidenschaften der Orientierungslauf, für den er sich seit Jahren einsetzt und Rennen für Schülerinnen und Schüler im ganzen Kanton organisiert. Gerührt sagt der fast 88-Jährige: «Ich war total überrascht.» Nachdem er davon erfahren habe, habe er erst einmal etwas darüber grübeln müssen, ob er diesen Preis wirklich verdient habe. Er kam dann aber doch zum Schluss: «Ja, ich glaube, ich habe es verdient.»

Journalistische Quelle

Published in News from Clubs

Panathlon Club Mestre - Premio città di Mestre per lo sport 2023

È stato presentato al pubblico il film "IL SOGNO DI MIKI" accolto in concorso allo SPORT MOVIES & TV 2023 di FICTS 40edizione (Prof. Franco Ascani): l'elaborato video è il completamento di un progetto concretizzato nella primavera di quest'anno. Riuscire a portare a termine il sogno di un bravo ragazzo con grossi problemi. Una mini delegazione del Club Mestre era ospite a Milano alla serata finale insieme al nostro Presidente Zappelli, il Consigliere Chinellato, La Fondazione Chiesa con Monego e la Prof.ssa Soliani.

Sinossi del film: 
- IL SOGNO DI MIKY -la mia Inter- che ha accompagnato il Filmato:  Lo sport è legato inscindibilmente ai sogni... sognano di raggiungere traguardi storici gli atleti prima di ogni competizione... sognano i loro tifosi sperando nella vittoria. E lo sport è anche e soprattutto gioia, esultanza, sorrisi, abbracci, insomma emozione allo stato puro... Esultano gli atleti quando vincono, quando tagliano il traguardo per primi, quando battono un record. Esultano i tifosi quando i loro beniamini primeggiano, quando ottengono successi insperati e inseguiti per lungo tempo. L'esultanza per una vittoria rimane per sempre, resta indelebile nel tempo, come la corsa di Tardelli a Spagna 1982... Ecco perché in questo progetto sogni e gioia si connettono; e allora chi come noi ha la fortuna di assistere a eventi sportivi indimenticabili, decidere se seguirli o meno..., perché non condividerla con chi avrebbe un sogno sportivo ma è difficile che possa realizzarlo? Perché non regalargli un’emozione che rimarrà per sempre? Ecco perché nasce “Sogni, dreams, suenos”.

Il video preparato per la presentazione all'Auditorium del M9-Museo del Novecento dei 15 premiati di quest'anno dove per la prima volta l'organizzazione ha voluto uscire, almeno per uno, dagli schemi classici del Premio stesso presentando una nuova categoria SPORT & CULTURA, ma il gravissimo periodo internazionale ha spinto Il Club ad iniziare la manifestazione con un video diverso perché il suo toccante messaggio di speranza sia di buon auspicio per la difficile situazione mondiale attuale. Il Club ringrazia la FICTS Federation International Cinemas & TV Sportif di Milano nella persona del Presidente Prof.Franco Ascani, Panathleta del Club di Milano e il suo sterminato archivio di immagini sportive provenienti da tutto il mondo.

Il numeroso pubblico presente ma soprattutto i giovani premiati presenti e le loro famiglie hanno apprezzato questa scelta con un lungo e caloroso applauso.

Il Sogno di Miki

Video della premiazione

Clicca qui per le foto della serata

Published in News from Clubs
Thursday, 16 November 2023 11:01

FICTS Awards Ceremony

FICTS Awards Ceremony 

The award ceremony of the Competition "SPORT, MOUNTAIN & OLYMPISM - SNOW & ICE SPORTS" organised by Panathlon International Foundation "Domenico Chiesa" in collaboration with FICTS, the Fédération Internationale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs was held on Saturday 11th November within the event SPORT MOVIES & TV 2023 - 40TH Milano International FICTS Fest.

The International President Pierre Zappelli and the Secretary of the Foundation PI-D. Chiesa Maurizio Monego, together with IB Member Giorgio Chinellato and past IB Member Renata Soliani, attended the event and proclaimed the winners:

1ST PRIZE (€3,000): LA MIA STORIA SUL GHIACCIO, by Giulia Guerra (Italy) - "Maria Ausiliatrice" School of San Donato Milanese.

2ND PRIZE (2,000 €): VERTIGO by Vidal Bruno (Swiss)

3RD PRIZE (1000€): EGOLAND by Ignasi López Fàbregas (Spain)

Panathlon Clubs Special Prize: VERTIGO by Vidal Bruno (Swiss)

Special Audience Award: UN GOL PER ARRIVARE IN FINALE by Samuele Bove (Italy)

Istituto Suor Maria Mazzarello - Cinisello Balsamo (MI)

Honorary Diploma to: TWINKLING EYES ON THE ICE by Shen Nan and Niu Mengtong (China)

Honorary Diploma to: AFRICA 2022 - MOUNT KILIMANGIARO by Paolo Bianchetti (Italy)

Click here for the video of the award ceremony

Click here for the motivations for the awards


Click here for the photo gallery




Monday, 13 November 2023 14:12

FICTS Awards Ceremony

FICTS Awards Ceremony 

The award ceremony of the Competition "SPORT, MOUNTAIN & OLYMPISM - SNOW & ICE SPORTS" organised by Panathlon International Foundation "Domenico Chiesa" in collaboration with FICTS, the Fédération Internationale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs was held on Saturday 11th November within the event SPORT MOVIES & TV 2023 - 40TH Milano International FICTS Fest.

The International President Pierre Zappelli and the Secretary of the Foundation PI-D. Chiesa Maurizio Monego, together with IB Member Giorgio Chinellato and past IB Member Renata Soliani, attended the event and proclaimed the winners:

1ST PRIZE (€3,000): LA MIA STORIA SUL GHIACCIO, by Giulia Guerra (Italy) - "Maria Ausiliatrice" School of San Donato Milanese.

2ND PRIZE (2,000 €): VERTIGO by Vidal Bruno (Swiss)

3RD PRIZE (1000€): EGOLAND by Ignasi López Fàbregas (Spain)

Panathlon Clubs Special Prize: VERTIGO by Vidal Bruno (Swiss)

Special Audience Award: UN GOL PER ARRIVARE IN FINALE by Samuele Bove (Italy)

Istituto Suor Maria Mazzarello - Cinisello Balsamo (MI)

Honorary Diploma to: TWINKLING EYES ON THE ICE by Shen Nan and Niu Mengtong (China)

Honorary Diploma to: AFRICA 2022 - MOUNT KILIMANGIARO by Paolo Bianchetti (Italy)

Click here for the video of the award ceremony

Click here for the motivations for the awards


Click here for the photo gallery




The Panathlon Prize 2023 in memory of KR Daniel Swarovski has been awarded to Bernadette Graf

Panathlon Club Innsbruck paid tribute to one of Austria's best judokas with the Panathlon Trophy in memory of KR Daniel Swarovski.

Bernadette Graf, born in Innsbruck, represented Austria at the 2016 and 2020 Summer Olympics. 

The President of the Panathlon Club, Dr. Winfried Sponring, in his welcome speech wanted to emphasise that Bernadette Graf was awarded not only for her outstanding sporting achievements, but also for her personal virtues that are in accordance with the Panathletic values. 

The evening was attended by more than 70 guests and representatives of sponsors who also participated in debates with interventions by senior sports personalities on the theme "Sport - Yes! But for whom and how?" focused on volleyball, swimming, figure skating, school sports and judo.



Vice President Prof. Günther Mitterbauer discussed with the young athletes the topic "Sport - Yes! But for whom and how?"

Click here for the press release in the official language

Published in News from Clubs

In occasione dell’ultima tappa degli World Cup Champions di Ginnastica artistica Milano 21-23 luglio 2023 Sofia Raffaeli che si è aggiudicata, l’oro dell’intero Circuito FIG e l'argento nell'all around, ha ricevuto dal PI Club di Milano il premio "Respect"  per la sua correttezza verso compagne e avversarie.


Published in News from Clubs

Again this year comes back the Panathlon International Award - CSIT World Sports Games 2021!

As presented at the CSIT Congress by President Pierre Zappelli, we are pleased to inform you that also this year will be awarded the special prize, which will be staged at the WSG 2021 in Emilia Romagna: The Panathlon International Award - CSIT World Sports Games 2021!

The 2019 Award has been assigned to the Honorary President of CSIT Prof. Kalevi Olin who has been awarded during the closing ceremony by the President of PI Pierre Zappelli.

We remind that the Panathlon-CSIT WSG Award, born from the collaboration in partnership with CSIT, has the objective to encourage, coordinate and promote the development of the sporting ideal and its moral and cultural values in all countries where CSIT is present. The Award gives all CSIT Member Unions, in different countries, the opportunity to nominate candidates who have distinguished themselves in upholding the ethical and cultural values of sport.

By awarding this prize we wish to recognise, reward, and celebrate those who, by their example and actions, have honoured and upheld these fundamental principles. The Award is the culmination of all nominations received from CSIT Members and will be designated by the International Board of Panathlon International.

The deadline for nominations is 25 March, the winner will be invited and awarded as part of the CSIT World Sports Games 2021!


The Panathlon Club of Como doesn't stop.

The 31st Youth Prize awarded to Giulio Campioni, 18 years old, of Canottieri Lario.

The awarding ceremony would have coincided, as per tradition, with the Christmas party of the Club of Como, scheduled for 10 December, but it has been postponed because of the health emergency to the first possible convivial meeting of 2021.


Published in News from Clubs

Sportförderungspreis 2019 an Fabienne Wohlwend

Der Panathlon-Club Fürstentum Liechtenstein (PCFL) hat bereits zum dreizehnten Mal den Sportförderungspreis an einen Nachwuchssportler in Liechtenstein vergeben. Preisträgerin 2019 ist Fabienne Wohlwend.


Informationen zur Preisträgerin

Fabienne Wohlwend, Jahrgang 1997, startete 2016 ihre Rennsportkarriere in der italienischen Formel-4-Meisterschaft und erreichte als bestes Resultat Rang 11 im letzten Rennen der Saison in Monza; nachdem sie zuvor sehr erfolgreich im internationalen Kartsport unterwegs war. 2017 nahm sie an der europäischen Ferrari-Challenge sowie beim Audi Sport TT-Cup teil. Mit dem Ferrari hat sie zwei Pole-Positionen, vier Podestplätze und einen Rennsieg in Imola erzielt und ist somit die erste Frau, die ein Rennen der Ferrari Challenge gewinnen konnte. 2018 hat sie bei der Ferrari-Challenge Trofeo Pirelli drei der vierzehn Rennen gewonnen. Zudem gewann sie das Finale der Pro-Am-Klasse und konnte sich als erste „Weltmeisterin“  in der Klasse AM sowie als „Vize-Europameisterin“ feiern lassen. 2019 hat sich Fabienne für die WSeries (Formel 3 Meisterschaft für Frauen) qualifiziert und konnte mit der Poleposition und Platz 3 in Misano überzeugen und belegte den 6. Gesamtrang. Zudem absolvierte sie aufgrund Teminkollisionen nur 3 von 7 Rennen in der Ferrari Challenge. Am Weltfinale in Mugello belegte sie den 4. Gesamtrang in der Profi- Kategorie. 

Im September 2019 hat Fabienne entschieden, sich voll auf den professionellen Rennsport zu konzentrieren. 


Erneute Teilnahme an der WSeries sowie an der europäischen Ferrari Challenge. Zudem sind einzelne Langstreckenrennen im Ferrari GT3 geplant.


Published in News from Clubs

Great Awards for the nominations sent by Panathlon International to the International Fair Play Committee 

A shining Budapest on the day of its national celebration in recollection in that distant March 15, 1948, which marked the beginning of the insurrection  that led to its first  independent  government and its first Constitution, welcomed the members of the Council of the Comité International pour le Fair Play for their first meeting of 2019. Among the decisions to be taken, the awarding of the World Fair Play awards. The nominations came from 19 countries world- wide, of these 12 were proposed by Panathlon International: France, Italy and Uruguay the Districts represented. With considerable satisfaction a good quality of nominations were taken into account/registered in all four award categories: Gesture, Career, Promotion and the Jacques Rogge Award dedicated to young people. The preliminary stage for nominations produced by the two Vice-Presidents respectively Mr. Nikolai Dolgopolov (RUS) and Mr. Maurizio Monego (I) has proven to be as always useful at introducing discussion issues. 


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Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa