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EWoS 2021 – Lake Bled (Slovenia) 

The seventh European Week of Sport will take place from 23 to 30 September 2021.  This year's event will focus on the potential of physical exercise to bring joy, build resilience and connect different generations.

The beautiful scenery of Lake Bled in Slovenia will be the backdrop of the official opening ceremony of the European Week of Sport 2021.




12th Convention Winner Volley Sports Club entitled “"Lo Sport a Fumetti" (Sports Comics) 

22-27 may 2017 

During the forum with the students of Rapallo as part of the event "Sports comics" Panathlon International has presented a special recognition to the testimonial of the event and world champion of volleyball Andrea Zorzi


At the invitation of the belgian Senate the Panathlon Clubs of District belgium have been invited to the 2nd Conference on “Sport, the spirit of humanity” which will be held in Brussles on Friday 31th march at the “Salle des Congrès Maison des Parlementaires”

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Thursday March 23, at the Cultural Center San Gaetano in Padua, will take place the annual conference organized by Professor Zanovello, Past- President of Panathlon Club Padova, on the theme "Le emozioni dello sport attravero le immagini" (the emotions of sport through images). 

Le emozioni dello sport attraverso le immagini

EU Sport Forum

The PCU Games ensure a free sports and events program for universities and university colleges worldwide, including a free Panathlon International membership. The main objective is to offer students a platform where sport is considered as a valuable instrument to develop international interaction and experience, with emphasis on Fair Play and Universal Friendship.

The 18th PCU Games are organized from 26 to 28 April 2017 in Antwerp (Flanders, Belgium). Men’s Futsal, Volleyball, Basketball and women’s Basketball and Volleyball are programmed. Registration is simple as explained on this website and the registration deadline is 1 March 2017.


Not only the competition winners are awarded but also the winner of the overall Fair Play ranking. The Enrico Prandi Trophy is a prestigious award, unique in the world of university sport and the highest merit a university can achieve in relation to ethics in university sport. Different from almost all other university sports events, the main objective of the PCU Games is to offer students, universities and university colleges a worldwide platform where sport is considered as a valuable instrument to develop international interaction and experience, with emphasis on Fair Play and Universal Friendship. Enrico Prandi, born on May 21, 1945 (Italy), is the Past President of Panathlon International, former member of the International Olympic Committee Cultural Commission and former President of the Italian Basketball League. He initiated in 2010 the idea to create a university platform within Panathlon International to promote ethics in sport also within the worldwide university community.


To guarantee a free program, the hosting rights of the PCU Games are granted to one single university community for a term of more years. The host is consequently ensured of the necessary return by means of publicity on a long term and is able to downsize logistic and financial requirements. The Antwerp University Association is our first partner within this new format. The Antwerp University Association is a structural cooperation of four higher education institutions in metropolitan Antwerp with about 40.000 students.


Sport, Fair Play and international interaction are considered within the Antwerp University Association as highly important for the educational development of students. Also the universal Panathlon values and the recognition of the association by the International Olympic Committee are considered as complementary with the mission of the Antwerp University Association. As a result the Antwerp University Association agreed to host the PCU Games for the next years.

P.C. Latina - La Mostra del 14° Concorso grafico all'Open Day 2017 di Latina 

I pannelli delle opere vincitrici del 14° Concorso Grafico Internazionale che la Fondazione Domenico Chiesa indice annualmente sono stati esposti presso il "Liceo Scientifico Statale G.B. Grassi" di Latina, presso il quale è presente anche l'indirizzo sportivo.

La Mostra è stata aperta domenica 22 gennaio in occasione dell"Open Day"" e si è protratta per l'intera settimana, registrando un consistente afflusso di visite sia da parte degli studenti che delle famiglie.

L'evento ha dato l'opportunità  al Club, presente con  vari consiglieri e con il Governatore di Area, Massimo Zichi, di illustrare le finalità del Panathlon e gli scopi del Concorso grafico.

Particolare  attenzione  è stata riservata alla diffusione delle carte panathletiche, principalmente alla "Carta dei doveri del genitore nello sport".

L’Istituto ha assicurato il proprio impegno affinchè  gli studenti partecipino numerosi alla 15a edizione del Concorso ed ha inoltre manifestato il proprio interesse per il progetto del Distretto Italia "Orientare formando e formare orientando”

A sua volta il club ha dato la propria disponibilità  a partecipare quale "Partner" della Scuola al Progetto Eramus "Sp.e.e.d-sport Enhances Excellence disavantage" (formazione di categorie professionali che lavorano nell'ambito dell'organizzazione degli eventi  sportivi che prevedono la partecipazione degli studenti disabili).

P.C. Chur und Umgebung - Gara atletica di San Silvestro 2016

Il Panathlon presente alla grande gara atletica di San Silvestro 2016 a Zurigo

2 classi della Scuola Superiore della città di Coira  hanno partecipato con grande successo alla gara atletica di San Silvestro a Zurigo. Il Panathlon Club di Coira, grazie al socio Norbert Waser, è riuscito a coinvolgere più di 30 alunni che con i loro insegnanti si sono allenati per questa corsa. 

La manifestazione  finale è stata la tappa conclusiva di una fase d’allenamento di parecchi mesi  in collaborazione con il Servizio dello Sport del Cantone dei Grigioni. Per la prima volta gli atleti indossavano una maglia con il logo del Panathlon pubblicizzando tra migliaia di sportivi la nostra organizzazione.


P.C. Gruyère - 61a Coppa Aereonautica Gordon Bennett Fribourg 2017 

In occasione della 61a Edizione della Coppa Aereonautica Gordon Bennett 61 ° Friburgo 2017, che si terrà il prossimo settembre a Gruyères, il Panathlon Club Gruyere organizza una  conferenza pubblica sul tema: "A bordo del Friburgo Challenge". Ospiti  Sciboz Laurent e Nicolas Tièche che spiegheranno la loro passione per la mongolfiera

EU Sport Forum

Il Panathlon International sarà presente giovedi 9 marzo a Malta in occasione dell'EU Sport Forum.  Rappresenterà il P.I. il Presidente del Distretto Belgio Thierry Zintz, Membro della Commissione Scientifico Culturale del Panathlon International.

The antenna of Panathlon in Brussels, working for a few months, will become something more meaningful than a mere appendix of Panathlon International in Europe, but it will take on the appearance of a real representation in the European institutions.

This is the sense of the conclusions reached by the working group, which met in Brussels at the headquarters generously made available by Philippe Vlaeminck, member of Panathlon and renowned lawyer. President Pierre Zappelli was present along with Past president Giacomo Santini, International board member Paul Standaert, the president of District Belgium, Thierry Zintz, president of the club Wallonie Bruxelles Philippe Housiaux, besides Vlaeminck. The different dynamics were analyzed that allow Panathlon International to participate in the activities of the European organizations where policies affecting sport are treated.

The first contact has already been accomplished with the European Commission and now some initiatives have started to gain visibility in the European Parliament. The main aim of this action is to encourage the submission of joint projects such as the Erasmus plus sport program, with the involvement of all Panathlon clubs and many external partners, such as the International Committee for Fair Play and the International Pierre de Coubertin committee. The operational and logistical terms were set that will lead to the creation of a real seat where all panathletes can go for advice and information on activities in Europe.

Then President Zappelli reported on the initiative that will lead to the creation of a similar antenna in Lausanne with regard to the relations with the International Olympic Committee.

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa