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The on-line Meetings of the Working Group for the Ethics Commission and of the President's Committee were held on 28th and 29th of August.

The Ethics Commission Working Group, appointed by the International Board and composed of: Pierre Zappelli International President, Giorgio Costa President of District Italy, Peter Wütrich President of District Switzerland and Liechtenstein, Mavi Tizón Member of Panathlon Club Lima and Simona Callo Secretary General, met for the second time in on-line meeting to discuss about one of the requirements provided by the IOC also for the Recognised Associations like PI, to have an Ethics Commission and to adopt a Code of Ethics in order to fall within the parameters of good Governance. 

The participants at the meeting then discussed the role, composition, and purpose of this new Commission to be established by the International Board. 

At the end of the meeting, the participants then undertook to produce a document summarising what had emerged, to be presented to the International Board, also highlighting the next steps to be taken in order to arrive at the adoption of a Code of Ethics for PI by the supreme body of our Movement, namely the General Assembly which, we recall, will meet in Agrigento on 14-15 June 2024.  

The following day, the meeting of the PI President's Committee was held, on-line again. 

Among the various items on the agenda, the participants dwelt on the commitments that have involved the Presidency and the General Secretariat since the last meeting on 6 June. 

They focused on the activities related to the Erasmus project "Sport Against Match Fixing", which will see three PI ambassadors/panathletes, together with the project coordinators (Fabio Figueiras and Patrick Van Camphenout), take part in the next meeting scheduled to take place in Vilnius, Lithuania, at the end of September.

From this last meeting, before the final event in May 2024, the materials (brochures, comics, videos, etc.) and the results of the project will be finalised.

Other points under discussion, alongside the usual financial audits, were:  the constitution of the Argentine District, the realisation of a recognition for Godfather Clubs and for Members with panathletic seniority, the organisation of the next institutional meetings to be held on the occasion of the Pan-American Congress of Guayquil in Equador, the fulfilments related to the organisation of the General Assembly and the Congress of Agrigento, the arrangements for the presence of PI at the next Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the verification of Statutes received from Clubs, requests for patronage, the contacts made with new Nations and International Federations and other topics to be followed up and developed, as well as the participation in upcoming international and Club events by the President or his delegates.

Please note that all IB and PC resolutions will be sent to District Presidents and Governors, and visible to Clubs in the reserved section of our institutional website following their translation into French and English.




Si è tenuto al Circolo “La Fenice” di Senigallia – sede del Panathlon Club Senigallia, un incontro programmatico tra società sportive locali coinvolte nel Progetto e i dirigenti scolastici degli Istituti Comprensivi di Senigallia e Trecastelli e delle scuole secondarie di secondo grado al fine di presentare la nuova edizione del progetto PANPS per l’anno scolastico 2023/24. L’incontro è stato aperto dal Vicepresidente del Panathlon Marco Paolinelli in rappresentanza della presidente Veronica Quagliarini e ha ringraziato i presenti della partecipazione; ha poi introdotto il Vicesindaco Riccardo Pizzi che ha portato i saluti dell’amministrazione e del Sindaco, sottolineando il plauso per il progetto nonché confermando il sostegno allo stesso.


Lunedì 4 settembre si è svolta la serata “Aspettando la notte Azzurra”, dedicata a “il valore Sociale Culturale e Turistico dello Sport”, voluta ed ideata dalla Vice Presidente Carla Saveri per il Panathlon Club di Jesi

Testimonianze e messaggi di fama nazionale ed internazionale per sensibilizzare soprattutto i giovani a comprendere il grande contributo che lo sport può dare per una società migliore.

Prende il via il ciclo di conferenze “BUSTO ARSIZIO, LO SPORT, L'EUROPA”, curato dallo scrittore bustocco Alberto Brambilla e organizzato dal Panathlon Club La Malpensa con la collaborazione e il patrocinio dell’Amministrazione comunale.
In occasione dell’anno in cui Busto è città europea dello Sport, il club guidato da Giovanni Castiglioni propone alcuni approfondimenti di cultura sportiva con una serie di incontri che inizieranno da settembre.


El viernes 11 de agosto la Federación Metropolitana de Ajedrez, realizó un homenaje del ajedrez al Panathlon International Club Buenos Aires Decano de América.
Fue una verdadera fiesta del Ajedrez Internacional en el "Palacio de Las Aguas Corrientes"  en el que se dieron cita 67 jugadores  entre los cuales se encontraban 3 Maestros Internacionales.
Se encontraban presentes el presidente del Panathlon Club Buenos Aires, Jorge Minuto, quién agradeció la organización, los miembros del club estuvieron presentes para entregar el premio Fair Play.



Les 1000 km du Fair-Play, c’est la course-relais qui rassemble, chaque année, à l’initiative du Panathlon International Club Wallonie-Bruxelles, des sportives et sportifs de tous horizons partageant des valeurs de citoyenneté et de solidarité.
A pied ou à vélo, valides et moins valides, sportifs pros ou amateurs vont à leur rythme parcourir 1000km au nom du Fair-Play et des valeurs du Sport. 
L’objectif est de montrer que le Fair-Play est une composante essentielle de notre société en créant une centaine de moments d’animation et de sensibilisation au Fair-Play auxquels tout un chacun peut participer.


Tuesday 8 August, the General Secretariat of PI, in the person of Barbara Aste, and the International Board Member Paul Standaert participated in the "demo" organised by #Beactive for the European Week of Sport 2023 that will take place from 23 to 30 September.
The demo was presented to guide NCBs (National Coordinating Bodies) and Partners through the process of submitting and validating events for the European Week of Sport. The demo aims to simplify the process of submission and validation of events and is of interest to all organisers.

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa