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Panathlon Club Delicias celebra Carrera del Juguete

Para iniciar las actividades programadas para el año 2020,  Panathlon Club Delicias llevó a cabo la celebración de la Carrera del Juguete, en la cual tomaron parte un centenar de niños y sus padres de familia en un evento de tipo convivencia, pues además de llevar a cabo esta actividad física deportiva se repartieron juguetes a los participantes.

El objetivo principal fue el de difundir entre la niñez y padres de familia de la región algodonera las actitudes del fair play (juego limpio), el gusto por las actividades sanas y recreativas y de igual manera, llevarles una sonrisa a los niños y niñas de la comunidad a través de este evento de atletismo.

Al final de la actividad, y con su característica de tipo convivencia, todos los participantes se hicieron merecedores de un juguete como premio a su esfuerzo y participación, en un evento que se ha institucionalizado como tradicional de esta Asociación.



International Literary Contest Awards 

Lausanne - 11 January 2020

The award ceremony for the 1st International Literary Contest was held in the Olympic capital of Lausanne in association with the Youth Olympic Games.

At Restaurant Lausanne 2020, in the Flon quarter where the Flame of the Youth Olympic Games shone on the tripod, the Lausanne Club hosted the Medals and Diplomas Ceremony given to the two youth who won the first absolute place. Many representatives of Swiss clubs, Secretary of the Foundation Maurizio Monego and Past International Board Member Renata Soliani attended the event. Unfortunately, President Pierre Zappelli was unable to attend the ceremony, which concluded the path of a project to which he had dedicated himself, because of a knee operation on the same day. 

Secretary General Simona Callo, as well as the responsible of PI Representation of Lausanne, Melody Exhenry and President of the Lausanne Panathlon Club Philippe Cottet, welcomed, on behalf of the President, all those present by explaining the objective of the prize and announcing the two absolute winners of the 1st International Literary Contest: Marta Buscaglia (14 years old) of “Felice Casorati Artistic High School” in Novara and Angelo Petrellese (18 years old) of “Roncalli Higher Institute” in Poggibonsi (SI) who, with their works , "Un tuffo al cuore" and "Poesia", respectively won the first absolute prize for the age categories, 11-15 years and 16-19 years.

After reading the Jury's motivations, President of Lausanne Panathlon Club Philippe Cottet awarded gave the gold medals and diplomas to the winners.

Panathlon International offered the stay in Lausanne to the two prize-winners and their companions to participate and discover the Youth Olympic Games and to visit the city and the Olympic Museum.

At the end of the ceremony, the Secretary General thanked all those who collaborated on this PI project and the members of the Club who worked on the installation of a Panathlon International "stand", for the duration of the YOG, to promote our Association and spread our values among young people. 

Finally, we would like to wish the two young writers who participated in this exciting moment, every success for the future! 






International Literary Contest Prizegiving 

The award ceremony of the two absolute winners for the age group of the 1st  International Literary Contest announced by Panathlon International will be held on Saturday, January 11th in Lausanne. General Secretary Simona Callo will be present on behalf of  Panathlon International. 

A double sporting event as Lausanne will host from 9 to 22 January the third edition of the Youth Olympic Games, where the Panathlon International will be present with a stand set up by the Panathlon Club Lausanne for the duration of the games to promote our Association and spread our values, especially among young people.




Panathlon International Literary Contest – A great success!

The Judging Panel selected the two winners by age group of the 1st Panathlon International Literary Contest.

The winners are Marta Buscaglia from Liceo Casorati, Novara, for “Un tuffo al cuore”, and Angelo Petrellese from Istituto Roncalli, Poggibonsi (SI), for “Poesia”.

The two winners will be offered a week-end in Lausanne during the Youth Olympic Games, when the official award ceremony (11/01/2020) mwill take place.

Moreover, all the participants included in the final ranking, which is attached hereto, will receive medals and merit certificates at ad hoc ceremonies organized by the local Clubs.

A complete report and the winning works will be published in our Magazine.  

We wish to thank the Judging Panel for their competence, patience and dedication, as well as the Panathlon Clubs and everyone who has worked very hard to promote the Contest and to identify high-profile works expressing outstanding quality and values.

And... heartfelt congratulations to the Winners!

Panathlon International is committed to the health of our seas

On Tuesday 11th December 2019, President Pierre Zappelli together with Once Ocean's Executive Vice-President and legal representative, Dr. Riccardo Bonadeo signed a Collaboration Agreement in which Panathlon commits not only to sign but to collaborate for the dissemination of the "Charta Smeralda": an ethical code that aims to raise awareness of public opinion and all operators to address the most pressing problems of the oceans and marine and coastal ecosystems and which aims to define practical and  immediate  policy areas focused on problem solving.

The "Charta Smeralda" concerns those persons who live the sea for sport and passion, the lovers of the sea and the structures promoting and supporting activity.

Panathlon International, which is an international movement with the aim of affirming the sporting ideal and its ethical and cultural values as an instrument of formation and elevation of the person, solidarity and peace between men and peoples, could not remain indifferent to this initiative.

Thus was born the idea, promoted by the Club of Mestre and the Governor of the Venetian Area, to sign an agreement to collaborate to protect our Seas and Oceans, mothers and cradles of our Planet and our life and of those sports activities carried out within them.  

A truly important initiative focused on raising awareness of the current situation and of the risks that our marine and coastal ecosystem runs, an environment on which our survival depends. Rapallo, seat of Panathlon International, but also many other cities and harbour around the world, have already had the demonstration of the violence and enormous damages that ecosystem imbalances can cause.

And we're just getting started. 




Panathlon International’s antenna in Brussels was successfully represented at different events organized by the EU DG Sport. 

As the objective of P.I. is to develop a regular participation of Panathlon and Panathlon members into the development of ethical values in sport at an international level it is the aim and role of IB member Paul Standaert to focus on the European level. 

Mr. Standaert was invited to the meeting of EU Expert Group on Integrity in Sofia, Bulgari on 12 and 13 November 2019.

Members of this group are international experts in the field of the struggle against Sport manipulation and match fixing. The Bulgarian Ministry (Mrs. Racheva -Slavkova Director Eu programmes), hosted the meeting and welcomed 

Counties and Governments of EU states Denmark, Finland, Slovakia, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Hungary, Lithuania, Estland, Netherlands and more participated.

National and International organizations are invited to the Expert Group as observer and are welcome to share experiences and insights on these topics.

Observers represented sport unions, Interpol, SIGA, UNODC, ENGSO, Digital Sport Rights, FIFA, UEFA, International Betting Integrity Association and also Panathlon.

The meeting was chaired by Mr. Le Losteque Head of the EU unit Sport. He expressed the great interest of EU to the topic of good governance and match fixing and promotes applications to Erasmus + projects in the framework of the combat against match fixing.

For 2019 only 7 applications on the 260 granted are based on anti-match fixing.

Therefor EU calls for new projects on the topic. The next deadline for 2020 application is April. 

Panathlon International is a collaborating partner in a 2019 project EPOSM, a initiative of the University of Gent in collaboration with the universities of Loughborough (UK), Lausanne (CH), Utrecht(NL), and  also IRIS (FR) VMIS (Austria) Stichting CSVF (NL) The antenna of P.I. in Brussels will take care of the coordination for P.I.’s role and input in this project in collaboration and support of the Panathlon EU club.

In Sofia, M Standaert was able to represent Panathlon and to connect with the participants and specifically to representatives of Bulgari and Greece. Both expressed a sincere interest in Panathlon’s work and values, and they will study the possibility to start a Panathlon activity in their country.

Mr. Luciano Di Fonzo of EACEA reported the latest status about Erasmus + and shared some statistics on the evolution since 2014. 

2014 – 40 projects

2019 – 260 projects selected upon 700 applications, for a total grant of 55 million EURO. 

On the agenda of the meeting was an overview and status of the work realized by the expert group (already 4 meetings) It’s final report and recommendations is to be finalized in the next days.

On 30th of January 2020 EU will organize in Brussels an Erasmus+ Information day.

Venerdì 29 novembre, presso l’Hotel Savoia Excelsior Palace di Trieste alle ore 9.00  hanno avuto inizio i lavori del Comitato di Presidenza

Work in progress


On 29 November 2019 the city of Trieste will host a session of the President’s Committee of Panathlon International, coordinated by President Pierre Zappelli. 

The meeting will take place at the Savoia Excelsior Hotel on the morning of Friday, November 29.



Report on European Week of Sport 2019 

Paul Standaert, PI representative to the European Union and PI International Board Member, described the positive evolution of P.I.’s partnership that started with a major event to promote the duties of parents in sport in 2015, to the actual situation where more than 20 Panathlon clubs organized local events for a large public and on different topics.  





Panathlon International Vlaanderen honored Gold medalist on Uneven Bars Nina Derwael, Mama Marijke Lammens and her coach Marjorie Heuls for being a role model to children, parents and coaches.

Raymonda Verdyck, president of the GO! Top Sport Schools in Flanders handed over the award to gymnastic top talent Nina and accentuated the importance of good scholarship and education within adequate sport infrastructures. Mrs. Verdyck congratulated the double world champion for the exceptional way she realizes her ambitions in sport and doing so being a role model for young athletes.

Nina's mother, Mrs. Marijke Lammens received the Panathlon award out of the hands of Mrs. Sofie Bracke, alderman for sport of Gent. Mrs. Bracke pointed out the importance of a warm nest and the care of parents to lead children at early age into sport. But also, to support them through their success and disappointments. Parents, grandparents have an absolute important role by guiding children within a fair a respectful sport.

Mrs. Tanja Moens, representing the Ministry of Sport was happy to give the award to coach Marjorie Heuls. Mrs. Moens proudly represents Sport Vlaanderen but is also happy as for many years she is a member of the Panathlon Gent and even was former president of the organizing club.

Nina Derwael expressed her gratitude for the award, the first time she received one in Gent, the place where she studied and still trains. She is happy that she can share this Panathlon award with 2 strong ladies, her mother and coach.

Coach Marjorie wanted to share her award with all the people behind Nina's success. It is a team of experts and care givers that works hard to realize the success of Nina and the other gymnast of the country.

International President Pierre Zappelli congratulated all stakeholders in Flanders and the members of Panathlon Gent. Mr. Zappelli was happy to establish after 15 years that the Declaration of Panathlon still inspires people, athletes and sport management to strive for an ethical and respectful sport for all especially regarding to the children's rights in sport.

It was in Gent 2004 that the Panathlon Declaration was published. To be in Gent on this evening is fine moment to share our values and encourage all stakeholders to promote these values as much as possible on any level. 

Closing the award ceremony PhD Bram Constandt, postdoctoral researcher at the Gent University and board member of ICES (1°, commented his study (2) on the Management of ethics in Foot ballclubs. In his statement Dr Constandt underlined the positive effects of an ethical framework in football clubs as not only board members can be role models but even so coaches, and thus deliver a strong contribution to what he calls ‘an ethical climate' in clubs.




Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa