Panathlon Club Latina - "Walk of Fair Play and Inclusion"

The Panathlon Club Latina and the Foundation Varaldo Di Pietro present the 2nd edition of the "Walk of Fair Play and Inclusion", scheduled on Saturday 15th October 2022 in Latina, starting at 9 a.m.

The aim of the initiative is to promote the sport culture as an extraordinary catalyst of positive universal values, vehicle of inclusion, participation and social aggregation, for a "sport dialogue" with the city, paying particular attention to the weaker segments of the population such as the elderly and people with disabilities.

Il ritrovo è previsto alle ore 9.00 in Via dei Mille a Latina. La partenza avverrà alle 9.30 dal Monumento del Fair Play e, attraverso il centro storico si arriverà al Parco San Marco presso il Monumento all'inclusione.

Read more: "Walk of Fair Play and Inclusion" 


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa