PI President's Committee

The on-line meeting of the P.I. President's Committee was held last April 20. 

Several topics were discussed such as: the need for the adjustment that Panathlon International will have to implement to continue to be part of the Olympic family. Issues related to quality certifications, establishment of an Ethics Commission (to be submitted to the International Board and then to the PI General Assembly) and preparation of a 2023 work plan for PI's cultural and educational projects and activities with KPI - (Key Performance Indicator) presentation will be explored.

Other topics analyzed included: the new association AIOS (Association of International Organizations for sport) formed with former associations recognized by GAISF, the organization of the Pan American Congress in Guayaquil, the project related to the World Fair Play Day, the "Panathlon Award" to be presented during the CSIT World Sport Games 2023 by President Pierre Zappelli. The President informed that he will also be present at important events: the World Kenpo Championships (Lisbon April 26-28) where he will present our Movement, the Strasbourg meeting organized by EPAS.

Other initiatives will be examined during the next President’s Committee scheduled for June 6 and during the International Board on June 15-16 (online meeting).

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa