International Photo Contest 2023 winners announced!

Saturday 6 May in Reggio Emilia took place the award ceremony for the winners of the International Photo Contest announced by the "Cultural Foundation Panathlon International - Domenico Chiesa" and by the "Foundation for Sport of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia", with the collaboration of the "Magnani Foundation Palace". After the selection phases, the Jury decreed the following winners among the 30 photographs chosen for the exhibition: 


1st PRIZE: Vittoria SONEGO (ITA)
for "What do you want to be when you grow up".
Plaque and €1500

 2nd PRIZE: Sofia Bravi (ITA)
for "Networks without Borders"
Plaque and 1000 €


3rd PRIZE: Lorenzo Boffa (ITA)
for "Run Boy".
Plaque and 750€

The first prize winner was awarded by the Mayor of the city of Reggio Emilia, Luca Vecchi. The "Panathlon Clubs Prize" was awarded to the photograph "Networks without Borders" by Sofia Bravi, winner of the 2nd prize. The "Public's Prize", awarded by social network preferences, goes to the photograph "Urban Flow" by Argentinean Nicolas Bilikis. Both winners will receive a one-year subscription to one of the most internationally renowned photo magazines.

Finally, the Jury awarded two Honourable Mentions for the photograph "Ilalò by Argentinian Patricio De La Cruz and for "El deporte alegria y companerismo" (Sport joy and companionship) by Mexican Manuel Soria Meraz.


On the same afternoon, the Photographic Exhibition of the 30 finalist photographs was also inaugurated at the University of Modena and Reggio (UNIMORE). Attended by the Municipal Councillor for Sport and Culture of Reggio Emilia Raffaella Curioni, the President of the Foundation for Sport of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, Mauro Rozzi, the responsible of the OFF circuit of the Foundation Palazzo Magnani Annachiara Rea, the Vice-President of Panathlon International Foundation - Domenico Chiesa, Enrico Prandi - also as President of Panathlon Club Reggio Emilia - and its Secretary, Maurizio Monego, the Secretary General of Panathlon International, Simona Callo and Mrs. Monica Rossi representative of the Secretariat, who assists the D. Chiesa Foundation.

Great satisfaction for the young prizewinners to whom we express our warmest congratulations. With their shots they managed to well interpret the theme of the competition and convey emotions by immortalising dreams, integration and educational values.


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa