EU Sport Forum 16 & 17 April 2024 Liege

Under the Belgian presidency, the annual European Sports Forum took place in Liege.

Panathlon International was strongly represented there by, among others, Paul Standaert, president District Belgium, Köle Gjeloshaj, vice president Panathlon Wallonie-Bruxelles, Alvise Angelini, administrator at Panathlon EU Brussel,  and Olympian Cedric Van Branteghem, Belgian ambassador for fair-play and also founding member of Panathlon EU Brussels.

The European Forum is the meeting place where numerous international sports federations and European sports organisations meet. This melting pot is at the same time a unique exchange project where the core message around lifelong healthy and ethical sports is the topic of discussion for all.

For Panathlon too, this means an opportunity to share our vision and misse with like-minded people and connect with policymakers at the European level.

Special focus today is on sport with and among young people (schools, recreation, inclusion,...) as well as exercise in later life.  Studies show the direct impact on well-being in later life as on controlling costs of care and recovery.

It is reassuring to note that Integrity in Sport too is something for which Panathlon has been pioneering for a long time remains high on the agenda.

For Panathlon, this again shows the importance of staying involved in initiatives at the international level. The role and involvement of the Representations in Brussels and Lausanne remain extremely important in this regard.





Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa