Video della presentazione dei filmati dell'International Visual Art Competition della Fondazione Panathlon International Domenico Chiesa. I premi sono stati consegnati ai vincitori nel contesto della Fase finale del World Ficts Challenge, Campionato Mondiale del Cinema, Televisione e della Cultura Sportiva, ideato e organizzato dalla FICTS Federation, riconosciuta dal CIO e presieduta dal Prof. Franco Ascani, membro della IOC Commission for Culture and Olympic Eritage.






Si è svolta a Milano la Conferenza stampa di presentazione di SPORT MOVIES & TV 2022 – 40th Milano INTERNATIONAL FICTS Fest, la finale dei 20 Festival – nei 5 continenti – del “World FICTS Challenge”, Campionato Mondiale della televisione, del cinema, della comunicazione e della cultura sportiva in programma a Milano dal 9 al 13 Novembre

A condurla, con la consueta verve, è stato il Prof. Franco Ascani, Presidente della Federazione Internazionale che da 40 anni svolge la sua mission e che proprio lui ha portato ad alto livello, tanto da essere l’unico italiano riconfermato componente della Commissione Cultura e Patrimonio Olimpico del CIO.

Ha presentato il nutrito programma del festival e introdotto alcuni ospiti. Ampie informazioni in:

Dopo il saluto video registrato dal Presidente del CONI Giovanni Malagò, ha preso la parola la Direttrice dell’Istitut Français di Milano, Linda Marchetti, che ci ha ospitato.

E’ stata quindi la volta del Presidente del CONI Lombardia, il panathleta Marco Riva, seguito dal Presidente del CIP Lombardia Pierangelo Santelli. 

Alla conferenza è intervenuto il segretario della Fondazione, Maurizio Monego, che ha brevemente esposto la natura della Fondazione e le ragioni della collaborazione con FICTS. Com’è noto, la FONDAZIONE CULTURALE PANATHLON INTERNATIONAL – DOMENICO CHIESA è presente nel festival curando la sezione n. 8 «International Video Competition» per filmati brevi, sul tema “Sport, Mountain and Olympism – Snow & Ice Sport”.

I video partecipanti a questa edizione provengono da sei Paesi: Australia, Cina, Italia, Repubblica Ceca, Slovenia e Svizzera. Per il 2023 il progetto sarà riproposto con alcune varianti per rendere più estesa la partecipazione.Numerose le personalità del settore cultura dello sport e di organizzazioni legate alla FICTS. Fra i presenti, il Vicepresidente Vicario Lombardia Claudio Pedrazzini e la Vicepresidente Carola Mangiarotti, entrambi panathleti, oltre a produttori, alcuni registi e giornalisti della carta stampata e di network. Il Panathlon era presente anche con Renata Soliani e Adriana Balzarini.

Adriana ha esposto in mostra la Torcia Olimpica che transitò a Milano, diretta ai Giochi Olimpici di Londra 1948. Nel suo breve intervento ha ricordato che quel modello di torcia fu impiegato per 4 Olimpiadi, fino al 1956, compresa quella di Cortina d’Ampezzo. Di qui un legame con la manifestazione che si va inaugurando e in particolare col tema affidato alla Fondazione del Panathlon International – Domenico Chiesa.

Press Release


Panathlon International Cultural Foundation – “Domenico Chiesa” and FICTS - Fédération Internationale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs (gathering 123 member countries) promote and organize a special international competition for themed videos, with free entries, on the theme "Sport as Promotion of Human Rights".

An important showcase for filmmakers, new media, professionals and independents, etc. who can participate with videos of a maximum length: 4 minutes, shot in any format and technique (fiction, animation, documentaries, etc.).

The aim of the competition is to promote the quality of the sporting gesture images that spread the values of Panathlon's universal ideal of culture through sport, an educational tool for social change. The FICTS - for its part - intends to enhance and promote the short film as an original form of expression, to encourage the creativity of those who approach the cinema offering the greatest visibility through sport. 

To participate, please send your material through wetransfer (mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) no later than 31 July 2021. 

The Competition Rules  are available from the link

The "Enrolment Form"  is available from the link

A Jury comprising 3 representatives from the Foundation and 3 representatives from FICTS will assess the 20 shortlisted videos and will award - for the three winning videos - prizes for a total amount of € 6.000.

The "Award Ceremony" will take place in Milan (Italy) on 30 November 2021 in conjunction with "SPORT MOVIES & TV 2021", Final of the "World FICTS Challenge" (20 Festivals in 5 Continents) World Championship of Television, Cinema, Communication and Sport Culture.

The participating works will be available online in Area 8 "Interactivity: sport is for everyone" on the Platform SPORTMOVIESTV.COM, as well as on the social media channels of Panathlon International (and its individual Clubs) and FICTS.


Press Office

Fédération Internationale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs 

Via De Amicis, 17 - 20123, Milano (Italy)

Phone +; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Panathlon International

Villa Queirolo – Via Aurelia Ponente 1 – 16035, Rapallo (GE)

Tel +39.0185.65295-6; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The first meeting of the new Board of Directors of the Panathlon International-Domenico Chiesa Foundation has been called.

Next Friday 12th February at 6:00 p.m. on a zoom platform 

Follow updates on "Panathlon International - Domenico Chiesa Foundation's activity and click "like" on the Facebook page 


Assignment of the Prizes of the 17th Graphic Competition

On Saturday 13 July at the Headquarters of Panathlon International (Villa Queirolo, Rapallo) the jury panel meeting was held for the awarding of the prizes of the 17th International Graphic Competition established by the Domenico Church Foundation in order to encourage young people, through the language of art, to think about the values of sport.

We inform you that the award ceremony and the opening of the exhibition will be held in Padua on Saturday 19th  October.

More details about the ceremony will follow

Please find attached the list of winners




Panathlon International Cultural Foundation – Domenico Chiesa

The exhibition at the Olympic Museum was inaugurated on March 20, 2019

The anthological exhibition of the International Graphic Art  Competitions was held with a simple opening ceremony in the Espace d’Art of the Olympic Museum in Lausanne. Before the International Board Members, the representatives of the Olympic Foundation for Culture and Heritage and representatives of Panathlon Club Lausanne, International President, Pierre Zappelli expressed his personal satisfaction and gratitude towards the institutions of the International Olympic Committee to be welcomed in one of the most prestigious sports museums in the world -  visited especially by youngsters.

Then the Secretary of the Foundation Mr. Maurizio Monego stepped in to illustrate the meaning and the value of the Graphic Competition carried out by the Domenico Chiesa Foundation as well as to introduce to those present the overview of the divided 5 subject matters illustrated in the drawings. 

Sports is……….Its values, NO to all forms of violence (from racism to doping and antagonism) an invitation  to consider Fair Play and sports for all.

The aforementioned issues have been collected and developed in a guide made available to visitors, who until March 29, 2019 will deal to think about thoughts for sports culture based on respect and on the educational and social perspective of the ideals of Olympism.


Dessinons le Sport




Great expectations for the exhibition that will be inaugurated on March 20th  at the Olympic Museum of  Lausanne 

In a good atmosphere of effective collaboration with the “Olympic Foundation for Culture and Patrimony”, the 34 works selected for the exhibition will reach Lausanne in the coming days 

The project of the review has followed a pattern to illustrate five chapters: The Essence of sport, its values, the NO to its disvalues represented by Racism, Doping, Antagonism and the Sport for all.

A guide to the exhibition that will accompany the visitors has been published and, in the preamble, the nature of the Panathletic Movement and Chiesa Foundation and the meaning of the International Contest of Graphic Arts, which is living this year its XVII edition. The works that will be exhibited respect a criterion of universality, assuring the presence of all countries of the authors represented in these years. Italy will be, naturally, more represented given the high number of works produced, but this must be an encouragement for all Districts to promote participation of schools and students that the clubs will want to involve. There will be no shortage of works from Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Kenya, Peru, Switzerland, Uruguay.


Great expectations for the exhibition that will be inaugurated on March 20th  at the Olympic Museum of  Lausanne 

In a good atmosphere of effective collaboration with the “Olympic Foundation for Culture and Patrimony”, the 34 works selected for the exhibition will reach Lausanne in the coming days 

The project of the review has followed a pattern to illustrate five chapters: The Essence of sport, its values, the NO to its disvalues represented by Racism, Doping, Antagonism and the Sport for all.

A guide to the exhibition that will accompany the visitors has been published and, in the preamble, the nature of the Panathletic Movement and Chiesa Foundation and the meaning of the International Contest of Graphic Arts, which is living this year its XVII edition. The works that will be exhibited respect a criterion of universality, assuring the presence of all countries of the authors represented in these years. Italy will be, naturally, more represented given the high number of works produced, but this must be an encouragement for all Districts to promote participation of schools and students that the clubs will want to involve. There will be no shortage of works from Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Kenya, Peru, Switzerland, Uruguay.


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa