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International President Pierre Zappelli participates in the 40th CSIT International Congress (World Confederation of Amateur Sports), which takes place in Tortosa (Spain) from 23 to 27 October.

On this occasion, the President will be able to illustrate the latest actions carried out by Panathlon International and, at the same time, to present a project for a more intense collaboration between the two associations.

This issue was discussed at the meeting between President Zappelli and President Molea, which took place in Rome on 13 September: strengthening cohesion and implementing programmes that could disseminate shared values.

In this regard it should be recalled that there is a collaboration protocol between PI and CSIT signed in 2105 by President Santini. 

The first goal is to be present at the next CSIT World Games which will take place in Tortosa in July 2019 with a Panathlon Prize. 


ANCMA , Milan -  Meeting of the President’s Committee - 19 October 2018 



International President Pierre Zappelli attending YOG 2018 opening ceremony. The Panathlon International and the Club Buenos Aires participated at the event with its stand.





Panathlon International President’s Committee, which met in Rapallo on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 September, examined, among other things, the evolving situation of  the Italian district.

Commissioner Giorgio Costa has carried out a detailed report on the contacts undertaken with the clubs and the governors according to the role entrusted to him which aims to ferry the Italian district to a General Meeting  to elect the new governing bodies. 

The Commissioner informed President’s Committee on initiatives to pave the way for this objective, overcoming the procedural and bureaucratic steps useful to remove the obstacles remaining after the resignation of the previous Directive Board.

The President’s Committee reiterated to Commissioner Giorgio Costa its confidence and all the support to restore a democratically constituted structure and the proper functioning of the most important, by number of clubs and members, among the thirteen Panathlon International Districts.

o Giorgio Costa la propria fiducia e tutto l’appoggio necessario per restituire un assetto democraticamente costituito e l’ operatività indispensabile al più importante,  per numero di club e soci,  tra i tredici Distretti del Panathlon International.

Panathlon organizes a sport activity and seminar during the EWOS 2018.

Technical partners and sponsors Fitfaza, Pharumlegal e Partena joined also in.

Prof Y. Vanden Auweele will support us for the seminar.




The five days of Panthlon International ended in the splendid setting of the Grand Hotel Baglioni’s terrace in Florence with Giotto’s Bell Tower in the background.

Between Wednesay 13 and Thursday 14 June 2018 at the Hotel 500, only 10 Km from the heart of Florence, the following meetings were held:

• Panathlon International Cultural Scientific Committee (Elaine Cook, President, Anne Tivas, Antonio Bramante, Eugenio Guglielmino, were assisted during the first day by the President and General Secretary)  from such meeting  emerged  a document summarizing the Committee’s program guidelines, objectives and suggestions for Panathlon International and its Clubs as well as indications for its Junior Clubs, the Literary Contest and Erasmus plus.

• Expansion Committee: for the first time since its establishment, most of the members met personally: Amato Oronzo (President), Leo Achilli for the Republic of San Marino, Francesco Garbini, Leo Chisci, Gennaro Esposito for Italy, Bruno Catelin for France and Rodolfo Camps Rosales for Mexico. Each member reported on the work carried out in these two years and on the projects he intends to implement. The outcome of this meeting will produce a final document which will be submitted during the next International Committee meeting. 

• President’s Board Committee: an utmost important meeting during which was noted with great satisfaction the possibility to participate (for the first time) at the Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires with a program that will be coordinated by the Representation of Lausanne in collaboration with the President and the General Secretary of Panathlon International, lastly approved by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). In   this   Committee,  moreover, it was decided to Submit to the Italy District by identifying already a  candidate who will be consulted shortly in order to verify his availability.

Friday, June 15m 2018: The works relating to the 21° Panathlon International Congress took place with a great deal of satisfaction. Lecturers of the highest order have addressed the various issues pertaining to the Conference with great  professionalism and interesting contributions. For the first time workshops were introduced so as to involve participants in worktables, discussing on how Panathlon International could actively cooperate to address issues related to the sports world. The only negative point noticed was the lack of participation by clubs throughout the work day. We should perhaps consider different solutions to increase the involvement of clubs and those interested to issues being dealt with, so as not to undermine the work carried out, great professionalism, the very high Committee standards and  that of its lecturers. Furthermore,  it should not be underestimated in terms of culture and investment which Panathlon International has undertaken and has committed for the achievement of the Conference.

Before restarting the afternoon working session, an important moment of international collaboration took place, through the signing of a Collaboration Agreement with EFPM in the person of its President, Mr. Christian Hinterberger, in presence of the  CIFP Vice President, Mr. Maurizo Monego.    document

video Congresso


Saturday, June 16, 2018: a vital concept for our Association is represented by the General Assembly, unfortunately noticing a modest participation: 116 clubs voting on a total of 257 clubs eligible. But in line  with the members of the past editions of half term Assemblies.

This session provided for an extraordinary part to propose a statutory change with the possibility of re-election of the International President for a further 4 year period. After a brief explanation of the motivations and some contributions, the statutory amendment was approved with 84 clubs in favor, 22 unfavorable and 4 abstained ( passed to 10  and 6 clubs did not express their vote).

Votes were also expressed on all  the reports (presented), the final balance sheets and budgets attached to the Agenda which were  approved by a substantial majority At the end of the meeting, the Assembly was invoked by  Mr. Philippe Housiaux, President of Panathlon Club Wallonie-Brussels to approve the Declaration “le sport, ‘esprit de l’humanitè” voted for unanimously.


As previously anticipated in the introduction, after an enthusiastic exhibition by the flag twirlers on Grand Hotel Baglioni’s terrace, our customary Gala Dinner took place, preceded by  two important and participated moments:  the presentation of Panathlon International Communication Award, conducted by the Past-President Mr. Giacomo Santini who, together with Mr. Ernst Denoth awarded the winners of the Contest with a video projector and a camera: Club Pavia (internet/social) Club Varese (media/printed material) and the Club of Maldonado y Punta del Este (TV/radio) the event following was the award on behalf of the Italy District of the “Chiesa Award” to Adriana Balzarini for her commitment in the dissemination of panathletic values through the  Exhibition on women’s emancipation in sport (which is available on the website of the Mestre Club: www.panathlonmestre.it)

Come anticipato in premessa, dopo una entusiasmante esibizione da parte degli sbandieratori, sulla terrazza del Grand Hotel Baglioni si è svolta la consuetudinaria Cena di Gala, preceduta da due momenti molto importanti e partecipati: assegnazione del Premio Comunicazione del PI, condotta dal past-president Giacomo Santini che insieme a Ernst Denoth ha premiato con un videoproiettore ed una telecamera i vincitori del Concorso:  Club di Pavia (internet/social) club di Varese (stampa/mezzi cartacei) e  Club di Maldonado y Punta del Este (TV/radio); di seguito ha avuto luogo l’attribuzione da parte del Distretto Italia del “Chiesa Award” a Adriana Balzarini per il suo impegno nella diffusione dei valori panathletici attraverso la Mostra sull’emancipazione femminile nello sport (che è disponibile sul sito del Club di Mestre www.panathlonmestre.it).

The exhibition of the 15th International Graphic Contest of PI - Domenico Chiesa Foundation and the PCU Drawing Contest, with the presence of Peter Verschoren of the University of Antwerp, Peter Verboven, PCU President and  Alina Baranova, were the setting for 5 Florentine days.


El Panathlon Montevideo, fiel a su misión de contribuir a la defensa y difusión del juego limpio y los valores éticos y culturales del deporte, como herramientas de formación y mejora de las personas e instituciones deportivas, organiza anualmente una ceremonia de entrega de los Premios Fair Play.

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O marco inaugurado nesta sexta feira, 22 de junho, foi doado pelo Panathlon Club Taubaté ao Município para celebrar, magnificamente, o Dia Olímpico e constitui, na história dos clubes Panathlon em todo o mundo, um dos maiores e mais representativos testemunhos físicos da presença do olimpismo e do panathletismo num território

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Friday 11th May 2018 a delegation of Panathletes of Panathlon Club Zug visited P.I. International Headquarters at Villa Queirolo in Rapallo.





The 19th edition of the PCU University Games (futsal, basketball and volleyball)  kicked off on April 25, and finished on April 27, 2018 in the northern Belgian city of Antwerp with the participation of more than 450 athletes.

These Games are organized by the Association of Universities of Antwerp and approved by the PCU Committee in order to promote ethics in sports, Fair Play and friendship. 

P.I.  International President Pierre Zappelli attended, on Thursday April 26th , the convivial dinner of the "Yerun Sport Day"- Network of Young European Research Universities (Yerun), whose aim is to strengthen and develop cooperation in the field of scientific research, academic education and service to society among a group of leading universities of Europe. (www.yerun.eu). 

He also attended the Futsal semi-final match, held on Friday April 27th,  between the Selected students of Iran (Champion of 2016) and the Catalan National University Selection. 


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