Thursday  21st may at 3.00p.m. (Portuguese time) will be held the videoconference organized by the Panathlon Club Lisbon, entitled Pandemic vs Sport.- Panathlon Contribution to Sport Challenges and Recovery.

Speakers will be, Mario Almeida President of the Lisbon Club, Antonio Bramante Member of the  Scientific and Cultural Commission of PI, Simona Callo Secretary General of PI , Gabriel Kothofa General Secretary of the PCU  together with PCU Event coordinator, Nils Van de Velden.

The conference will articulate in 4 points,   

1) Current Situation, 

2) COVID-19 impact on current situation and also on the return of sports, 

3) the impact of this health crysis on the sports industry as well as the challenges of the return and finally 

4) to address topics that used to be in everyones agendas (e.g. racism in sports, match-fixing, etc.) and still are but haven't discussed due to the current situation. 

The link for registration/event is the following one:


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa