Friendship does not stop in front of Covid Twinning Panathlon Club Chioggia - Panathlon Club Mexico City


Friendship does not stop in front of Covid

Twinning Panathlon Club Chioggia - Panathlon Club Mexico City

The next 1st April in the presence of the International President Pierre Zappelli will be sealed on web platform the agreement between two clubs physically distant, but close in intentions and friendship.

The Clubs of Chioggia and Mexico City will thus celebrate their twinning.

For the occasion will be present not only the Bishop of Chioggia, honorary member of the club, Monsignor Adriano Tessarolo, but also the Italian ambassador in Mexico.

A moment of celebration and sharing to be repeated physically as soon as the situation permits.


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 931 9424 9600
Passcode: 278994


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa