Chur und Umgebung - In memory of Hans Zinsli

A dear friend, relentlessly committed to promote Panathlon’s ideals, has left us. Hans Zinsli passed away on 25 March this year, aged 87. He leaves everyone in our Club with a sense of great loss.

Hans Zinsli joined our Club in 1981 with his background deeply rooted in tennis. He was also an enthusiast golf player and his life was dominated by a social note. He constantly took care of the wellbeing of sick members. From 1992 to 1996, Hans served as President of Panathlon Club Chur und Umgebung. His engagement in Panathlon’s Movement, at national and international level, was particularly outstanding. In 2004, Hans was elected to the Board of Panathlon International. During his four years in office, he mainly devoted himself to the revision of P.I.’s Statute and Regulation and he oversaw the translation of the two documents. However, the International Board could also appreciate his stances and forward-looking and future-oriented ideas.

Until a few weeks before passing away, Hans was always very keen on the events organised by our Club and cherished the prospect of meeting his panathlete colleagues again. Regrettably, his illness prevented him from fulfilling this wish. Dear Hans, we will forever remember you as a dearest friend and member, committed, cheerful and reliable.

Reinhard Spahr/Ernst Denoth




Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa