CIFP World Fair Play Awards

The CIFP World Fair Play Award Ceremony was held in Budapest on 12 June 2022 to honour the winners for the years 2019 and 2020, which the pandemic had prevented from being celebrated. 

Among the award winners, many were those nominated by Panathlon Clubs through Panathlon International.

We would therefore like to congratulate the winners and the Clubs, Areas and Districts that worked to present them to CIFP and obtain the deserved awards.

The winners for the year 2021 have not yet been decided. 



PC Como: Giovanni Borgonovo - Trophy Jaques Rogge Youth 

PC Ferrara: Eugenio Dondi - Diploma Jaques Rogge Youth 

PC Modena: Catia Pedrini - Diploma Jean Borotra "Carreer" 



Area 05: Maxime Mbandà – Trophy Willi Daume "Promotion" 

PC Lisbon: David Livramento Diploma Pierre de Coubertin “Act”

PC Buenos Aires: Luisiane Varclo / Uruguayan wheelchair tennis player - Diploma Pierre de Courbertin «Act»

PC Bononia: Francesco Franceschetti - Diploma Willi Daume “Promotion”

PC Ferrara: Mario Testi - Diploma Willie Daume “Promotion”  

PC Mestre: Stefano Bizzozi - Diploma Willi Daume “Promotion”  

PC Ferrara: Gianfranco Vitali - Diploma Jean Borotra “Carreer”

PC Varese: Alfredo and Lella Ambrosetti - Diploma Jean Borotra “Carreer”

PC Roma: Alessandro Palazzotti - Diploma Jean Borotra “Carreer”

District Uruguay: Felix Sienra Castellanos - Diploma Jean Borrotra “Carreer”


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa