Wallonie-Bruxelles - The city of Fleurus hosts the exhibition 'L'Esprit Du Sport' until 25 July


As part of the development of its sports policy and its collaboration with Panathlon, the city of Fleurus is hosting an open-air exhibition entitled 'L'Esprit Du Sport' at the Plaine des Sports in Fleurus. This exhibition highlights the true positive values of sport.

Through this exhibition, the Panathlon Wallonie-Bruxelles has collected photos representing some of the most beautiful Fair-Play gestures in the history of sport. Sourced from the archives of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the agencies "Reporters" and "Photonews" and the major players in the world of sport, these images come to life in the form of a dozen giant cubes on which the notion of Fair-Play and its intrinsic values of respect (Yellow), commitment (Blue), brotherhood (Black), emotion (Green) and participation (Red) are displayed.

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Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa