Panathlon Club Innsbruck - "Frauen im (Spitzen-)Sport - unverzichtbar"

High-profile event in its 55th year - in media cooperation with Tirol TV, the Tiroler Tageszeitung and the Austrian Ministry of Sport.

The role of women in sport - as athletes, coaches, managers, mothers - also has to do with equity. The Panathlon movement is dedicated to this topic and the Panathlon Club Innsbruck has made it its motto in its anniversary year:"Frauen im (Spitzen-)Sport - unverzichtbar". And that the theme is touching was demonstrated by the great attention of the many visitors and the presence of important personalities from the Tyrolean sports world. 'This event is a sign that more needs to be done.  Integrate women better into the existing infrastructure'; get girls into sport as early as possible and keep them there, and create better opportunities for them to participate in sport, especially in rural areas'. The highlight of the event was the presentation of a Certificate of Honour to the grand dame and pioneer of Tyrolean volleyball, Therese Achammer, who celebrated her 80th birthday and continues to be actively involved in women's volleyball.

The full report of the event will be published in the next issue of the Magazine.


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa