Panathlon International Club Lomè organizes a quality and highly successful tournament

Over Christmas weekend, on a sunny Sunday, December 25, 2022, PANATHLON CLUB LOME' organized a tournament to raise awareness of nonviolence, no doping, and the culture of fair play in sports in VOGAN, a town located 45 kilometers northeast of Lomé.

It was a real success with great organization. Thanks to Mr. GAFAN Kougblénou Maurice (vice president) and the other members of the Club: SEGNEDJI Franck (treasurer), AMOUZOUVI Messan, MAWOUGBEDJI Dimédo, Ms. AMEGAN Elise and the main organizer AMOUZOU Kokou Beaugard who took care to raise awareness among the youth about the negative repercussions of using doping products or other excitants. He also urged the youth to avoid violence between players or athletes, among fans, during and after sports activities. Activities are meant to unite people and communities and not divide them. 

They also urged young people to show fair play by considering sports activities as play and leisure. 

The event brought together different teams from various parts of the city. The four semi-finalist teams were Kokouyokopé, Kodjoviakopé, Gagbazékopé and Totsoagni.

The Gagbazékopé team won the cup and was crowned champion of the competition. The champion team received the trophy, medals, balls and a cash sum. The runner-up team also received medals and balls. 

Referees received the fair play award and T-shirts. 

The event was a success overall, with many spectators from different areas. The tournament was so well received that the local people asked to repeat it to come together in this atmosphere of joy, fellowship, and especially to promote sports in their town.



Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa