Conclusion of the photo contest 2023 - The expectation grows to visit the exhibition and know the winners of all the awards

At the end of the various stages of selection of the works participating in the competition announced by the "Cultural Foundation Panathlon International - Domenico Chiesa" and by the "Foundation for Sport of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia", with the collaboration of the "Palazzo Magnani Foundation" organiser of the European Photo Festival, the Jury has awarded the absolute prizes.

The podium will be formed - in random order - by Silvia Bravi (Italy) for the photograph "Networks without borders", by Vittoria Sonego (Italy) for the photograph "What do you want to be when you grow up" and by Lorenzo Boffa for "Run boy".

The order of the steps on the podium will be announced during the Awards Ceremony of the European Photo Festival OFF Circuit, which will be held in Casotti Square, Reggio Emilia, on Saturday 6 May starting at 6:30 pm. During the ceremony will be made official the name of the winner of the "Audience Award", resulting from the preferences expressed among all the photographs participating in the competition and the Award “Panathlon Clubs" of the world according to the votes sent by the Referents of the accredited clubs. The authors will receive as prize a one-year subscription to a prestigious photography magazine.

Two Honourable Mentions will also be awarded.



Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa