On 23 November 2021, the President's Committee met electronically to talk about the situation after the events of the 70th anniversary, the awarding of the competition organised by PI-Foundation and FICTS, the organisation of EPOSM, the meeting of the Lausanne Working Group, which we have already reported in the last newsletter. Furthermore, the results of the accessions to the international projects were discussed and in particular to the one for the subsidies to the Clubs that applied for them. The interested clubs will soon receive the relevant communication. The Fair Play project was discussed and interesting prospects opened up. The idea is to realise a Congress/Forum in the first months of 2022 to deepen and put into practice this interesting project. 

The situation of the clubs was also analysed, with particular attention to those in difficulty.

It was with great pleasure that the Secretary General then gave the news that the copies of the Magazine No. 3 have already arrived at the headquarters and are going to be sent. On Thursday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. (Italian time) the International Board will meet, by videoconference, to finalise the items on the agenda which, for reasons of time, were not discussed at the last meeting. They will therefore discuss the "strategic plan", new collaboration agreements with International Bodies, changes to the Statute (already discussed and approved, but to be verified in the final analysis), the final document of the meeting of the District Presidents, the questionnaires for the clubs, the Expansion Commission, the next Assembly, Congress and Flambeau d'Or, the Pan-American Congress, the European Project "healthy lifestyle for all" and the reports of the International Board Members on the delegations assigned. A  very interesting and intense meeting.

Auditorium Testori of Palace Regione Lombardia (Piazza Città di Lombardia 1, Milan)

During the awarding ceremony of "SPORT MOVIES & TV 2021" - World Final of the 20 Festivals (in the 5 Continents) of the "World FICTS Challenge" Championship of Television, Cinema, Communication and Sport Culture (scheduled in Milan from 9 to 14 November), took place the awarding of the three winners of the International Competition of Visual Art "Sport as promotion of human rights" realized by Panathlon International Domenico Chiesa Foundation in collaboration with FICTS.

International President Pierre Zappelli was present and awarded the winners. 

 1 Prize 

BLU by Paolo Geremei (Italy) 




SPORT IS MY RIGHT by Antonello Brustia  and Chiara (Italy) 

Recognition plaque for the highest number of views


Congratulations to the winners and congratulations to all participants!



Piattaforma SPORTMOVIESTV.COM (accesso diretto al link: http://www.sportmoviestv.com/panathlon-sport-promotion.../ )


On Monday 15 November 2021 took place the final event of the Erasmus -plus project EPOSM ("Evidence-based Prevention Of Sporting-related Match-fixing") coordinated by the University of Ghent (B).

Panathlon International, partner of the project (developed by the PI Representation in Belgium) organized with the collaboration of the PI Representation in Lausanne, the panel discussion moderated by Vangelis Alexandrakis (IOC) at the Maison du Sport followed by the Symposium at the University (UNIL) where data collected on different types of match-fixing collected in Belgium, Croatia, France, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland and the United Kingdom were presented. People connected to sport participated in an online survey that focused on current and former athletes, coaches, board members, referees and other people involved in different sports disciplines (including football, tennis, basketball, hockey, handball and cricket) who responded anonymously to questions about match-fixing. Very interesting data emerged that involved partners from all over Europe, representatives of international and sports associations (UEFA), as well as some Sports Ministers in a very interesting debate. The results of the research, reflections and conclusions will be published.

An initiative that allowed Panathlon International to underline the importance of its action in promoting ethical behaviour in youth education, also as a prevention against match-fixing.


At the office of Panathlon International at the Maison du Sport in Lausanne, on 16 November 2021, the Working Group of the PI Representation in Lausanne was constituted and held its first meeting.

The Group at the moment (as decided by the IB) is constituted by PI President Pierre Zappelli, PI Secretary General Simona Callo, the President of the District CH-FL Bernhard Segesser, the President of the Club Lausanne Philippe Cottet, the Secretary of the International Archery Federation (absent at this meeting) and the Secretary of the Representation, Melody Exhenry. IB Member Patrick Van Camphenout, the President of the District Belgium Paul Standard and Prof. Yves Vanden Aweele, former member of the PI Cultural Commission, participated in the meeting, as they were present in Lausanne for EPOSM.

They gave their experience on the activities carried out by the PI Representation in Belgium. Peter Wüthrich, member of the CH+ FL District Council, was also present. Among the various hypotheses discussed, the idea was to develop a tool, to be distributed to clubs, to facilitate their intervention in schools and spread our values among children/youth, thus contributing to their formative education.

It was then discussed on the possibility of studying a project that sees the establishment of an 'ethics commission' as also suggested in the final document of the meeting of the District Presidents Committee, which can become a point of reference not only for Panathlon International.

On these bases the next meeting has been programmed, during which it will be discussed also about the date to officially inaugurate the PI Representation in Lausanne.



Monday November 15, 2021 -  6pm

EPOSM - International Symposium on Evidence-based Prevention of Sporting-related Match-fixing



On Monday 15th November in Lausanne Panathlon International - through its Brussels Representation - as partner, organizes the final event of EPOSM related to the Erasmus Plus project on Match Fixing.

The project coordinated by the University of Ghent created to "Increase knowledge, awareness and moral judgement on match-fixing among people involved in sport, using an evidence-based approach that can inspire others" started in 2019 and will find its final event here. It will take place between the Maison du Sport and the University of Lausanne.

In addition to President Pierre Zappelli and the Panathletes who followed the project, the Secretary General of PI, Simona Callo, will also be present.



The XIV Pan American Congress will take place in the city of Cochabamba -Bolivia, on 29 and 30 January 2022. The theme of the discussion will be "Sport in times of health emergency".

The works will be held at the "Gran Hotel Cochabamba".

Please find enclosed a participation form to be filled in and sent to the indicated address by 27 December 2021 and the proposals for a tourist program. The President of the Club of Chochabamba, Silvia Jaquelinne Jimenez Rivera, together with the members of the Club are waiting for you!


Programa de actividades y ficha de inscripcion

The 30th October 2021 will remain a day to remember, Villa Queirolo (Rapallo) - seat of Panathlon International - has welcomed more than 120 panathletes who met to commemorate the 70 years of life of our Movement.

The day could take place outside the Headquarters, and many have been the exciting and significant moments.

Secretary General Simona Callo welcomed and greeted the civil and panathletic authorities and introduced, in Italian and English, the various speeches with a brief history of the PI headquarters.

Afterwards, the Mayor of Rapallo Carlo Bagnasco intervened and underlined the very good relations that exist between the Administration, the city of Rapallo and Panathlon International; the President of CONI Liguria Region, Antonio Micillo, former Governor of Area Liguria of Panathlon has brought the attention on the importance of the values and the Charters of Panathlon International; Don Paolo Zanandreis - Diocesan Director for sport, has brought the greetings of the Bishop and has remembered the importance of the roots and the importance of sport as vehicle of values and goodness.

Then the Past President Enrico Prandi intervened and recalled the reference persons with whom he worked during his mandate and who were also inspirers for the history of our Movement: Jean Presset, Henrique Nicolini and Antonio Spallino. He then mentioned some non-Italian board members who worked with him: Otto Bellwald (CH) and Walter Perez Soto (U) who died in a panathletic mission.

Finally, he urged us to follow the recommendation of the PI Congress held in Stresa in 2010, which is still topical: the importance of educating young people and the ethical responsibility of sports associations, at national and international level. 

It was then the moment of Giacomo Santini, current Past President, who pointed out how, among the Presidents of PI, there has always been a sort of "relay" and continuity that for 70 years has allowed to present Panathlon International to the highest international assemblies. 

He also brought the greetings of Vittorio Adorni who, for an indisposition, could not participate.  After a short "excursus" on the drafting of the "Charter of Parental Duties in Sport " he recalled how much each President puts his own working and human experience in the role he covers, but there is always something to learn! Panathlon is really a school of life. The speeches ended with the intervention of the current President Pierre Zappelli who wanted to bring the attention on the present and the future of our International Movement, noting that Panathlon International owes a lot to the Italian Clubs, without which it would not have developed, but it has immediately had a vocation to expand outside Italy, bringing it to have the recognition by the IOC in 1982. He went on to say that all the Presidents have contributed to the internationalisation of PI and to opening it up to other countries and cultures. Today, there are many relationships with international organisations and associations. PI is present in many nations both in Europe and Latin America, but it is important to work also with the Representations of Lausanne and Brussels to develop its activity expanding it in other countries. This is a task on which our governing bodies and clubs are working. Panathlon must be more and more a Movement without frontiers. 

It has been then presented and discovered the work "branch of Pomegranate" by Luca Tamanini representing his father Settimo Tamanini who realized it. Those present then moved to the front of the Villa where Don Paolo gave his blessing to the pomegranate tree that had been planted, together with a plaque commemorating the event.

Panathletes have then toasted all together, to their friendship, union and prosperity, that the pomegranate represents, wishing a long life to Panathlon International!


Complete event

Galerie de photos



The PI Expansion Commission, the International Board and the District Presidents' Committee met on 28 and 29 October at the General Secretariat in Rapallo, both in person and via zoom connection.

Many items were on the agenda of the meetings and the various topics were addressed and discussed.

First the Expansion Commission, attended by President Patrick Van Camphenout (B), Bruno Catelin (F), Fabio Figueiras (P) and Francesco Garbarini (I), gave an overview of the current situation of PI and a presentation and discussion on strategies to promote our Association in new countries. In particular on the possibility of new contacts with European and North African countries. In addition, CI Luis Moreno (Per), sent a report on the development of the Movement in new countries in South America.

In the afternoon the work continued with the District Presidents' Committee (present: Austria, Belgium, Italy, France, Switzerland and remotely: Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru (IB member Luis Moreno), Uruguay, - Bolivia and Brazil connected the next day) together with the President’s Committee.

Before reviewing the activities of the various Districts, the President greeted those present and presented the activities of the Presidency, from the participation in the FIMS Congress to the inclusion of PI in EPAS. The General Secretary then continued with the activity carried out by the General Secretariat, illustrating the various PI projects and the participation of Clubs. Particular attention was given to the Fair-Play project in schools. The Secretary of District France and the President of the Lisbon Club were present at the meeting. Fabio Figueiras, President of Club Lisbon, brought his experience of collaboration with the University, the Government, and the Olympic Committee. 

After discussion the following day, a final document was drafted. It is currently being finalised by e-mail, as not all the District Presidents are present.

On 29 October, the day was entirely dedicated to the International Board. As only half of the agenda was discussed, a new meeting will be held via zoom in November to complete the topics to be dealt with. The meeting highlighted the need to improve communication to and from the Districts, Areas and Clubs. The IB therefore drafted a recommendation. In addition, it was decided to prepare a short report to be sent through our NL on the decisions of the meetings, specifying that in any case all the decisions of the PC and the IB are published on the website and sent to all International Bodies and District Presidents. It was also decided to send each panathlete a "questionnaire" that could provide the PI executives with their vision, thoughts and ideas after the pandemic crisis. A large part of the work was then dedicated to the proposed changes to PI Statute, which include changes in the composition of the IB. The next meeting will define the document to be sent to all Clubs, Areas and Districts, to be known and disseminated in order to collect any considerations.  The next meeting will deal with the "2022-2026 strategic plan of PI" to be presented at the next General Assembly (which will be held in Lausanne), the Flambeau d'Or, the Pan-American Congress, the collaboration agreements with ISCA, FICTS and Sport for Nature, the possibility to join EwoS "Healthy Lifestyle for All”, the reports of the International Board Members and of the President of the Expansion Commission, the calendar of events 2022 and the launch of a new Photography Contest of the Chiesa Foundation.

Finally, the candidature of the Club of Agrigento to hold the elective General Assembly of PI in 2024 in their city was accepted. 


The days of intense work came to an end at 7.00 p.m. and those present left the premises to meet again for dinner and the 70th Celebration Ceremony the following day. 





On 1 November 2021, the Lausanne Olympic Museum hosted a ceremony for PI President Pierre Zappelli. In the Museum's auditorium, in the presence of the highest civil and cantonal authorities and IOC President Thomas Bach, the Club Lausanne appointed Pierre Zappelli as Honorary President of the Club. Before him, only Jean Presset had received this honour.

The programme of the interventions, of high level, saw the President of the Club Philippe Cottet, the members Françoise Zweifel and Eliane Borter who made a nice presentation of Pierre Zappelli's life and career, the representative of the sport municipality, Emilie Moeschler, and the conclusion by the IOC President Thomas Bach who underlined the excellent relationship between the Olympic Committee and Panathlon International. All this was interspersed with the notes of the internationally renowned pianist Nino Kupreishvili.  

A very emotional and involving event that has rewarded our President, first as panathlete of Lausanne, then as President of the District Switzerland and Fürstentum Liechtenstein and finally as President of Panathlon International committed to the diffusion of the values of the Movement and for a greater recognition at international level. A well-deserved praise to his skills and his dedication to the panathletic cause.

Stefano Giulieri representing the International Board and Simona Callo for the General Secretariat were present. 





Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa