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News from Panathlon International


The new #BeActive campaign is ready to start and European

“Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Sports for Women” Panathlon International Round Table

“Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Sports for Women” Panathlon International

Panathlon International has elected its new President: Giorgio Chinellato

The 51st Elective General Assembly of Panathlon International and the
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News from Clubs and Areas

Panathlon Club Friburgo - Inauguration de la Place du Fair-Play

Samedi 8 juin 2024, Fribourg (Suisse) a inauguré sa place

Panathlon Club Lausanne - Panathlon Family Games

Succès populaire sur 8 hectares pour 5'700 enfants et adultes

Panathlon Club Sorocaba - Panathlon Day 2024

Diretoria e conselheiros do Panathlon Club Sorocaba, representante da Secretaria
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News from Fondazione Chiesa


Reggio Emilia, 4th of May 2024 Ms. Marina Chiesa and the director of the Palazzo

Photo Contest 2024 - 30 finalist photograph

The PHOTO CONTEST 2024 - NATURE LOVES TO HIDE «The nature of sport – Sport in nature

PHOTO CONTEST 2024 - Extension of the Registration deadline until March 31, 2024

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EWOS 2023 - Panathlon International Club Modena

EWOS 2023 - Panathlon International Club Modena Anche quest'anno il Panathlon Club Modena ha aderito alla

EWOS 2023 - Panathlon International Club Padova - Alla Polisportiva Pallalpiede il premio Fair Play del Panathlon Padova

Alla Polisportiva Pallalpiede il premio Fair Play del Panathlon Club Padova A ricevere il prestigioso

EWOS 2023 - Panathlon International Club Viterbo “Sport in Piazza”

Panathlon Club Viterbo - “Sport in Piazza” per tutti Il Panathlon Club di Viterbo, nell’ambito della
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Dessinons le Sport / Drawing Sports

The Olympic Museum starting from the hill of Ouchy slopes with its park towards the northern bank of lake Lemano, facing the snowy peaks from the Valais Alps to the Mont Blanc massif in the distance, it has a special charm of its own and attracts crowds of sightseers of all ages and different walks of life.

It can be reached by climbing a staircase surrounded by sculptures of famous athletes such as Paavo Nurmi and Emil Zàpotek nonetheless passing under the bar  of the incredible record of 2.45 m that the Cuban athlete Sotomayor established on July 23, 1993 in Salamanca.

In that treasure trove are collected the testimonies of the Decourbertinean thought and the history of Olympism, as from the classical one and thanks to the copies of famous find, to the modern ones.

In the last few years the Museum’s approach has been changing, no longer collecting memorabilia of this or that champion or the many other athletes who have made the history of modern sport, but an itinerary that traces the history of the Summer and Winter Games. There are the symbols, torches, the models of the facilities, salient information of the various editions.

Most importantly, there is a rich multimedia repertoire with which visitors can have fun with and bring back old memories and listen to stories. Wandering around these rooms leads back to breathe the Olympic spirit, even for those who have not been athletes and have never lived the Olympic experience.

In this fascinating setting Panathlon International and its “Domenico Chiesa “Foundation will have a space dedicated to them and thus be able to show to the many visitors passing by one of the many qualifying activities on the Panathletic movement and especially of the Foundation. As has been announced, the “Foundation Olympique pour la culture et le patrimony”, which runs the Olympic Museum has granted to Panathlon International the exclusive use of an entire room to host the exhibition on which the Chiesa Foundation has been concentrating it work in the last couple of months.

From 20 to 31 March 2019, will be exhibited 34 works by young students who in 16 editions of the International Competitions of Graphic Arts have engaged themselves in wanting to translate the images of value, disvalue, feelings and emotions which sports arouses in them, in all its meanings. The anthological exhibition, which is the result of a conscious selection paying careful attention to make room for all the countries represented, thus organized in 5 Sections:  Sports, Values, No to Violence, Fair Play and Sports for all. Among violences we have: Doping. Racialism and Antagonism.

As is known, it is not so much the artistic quality that emerges but a view on how the themes of discussion are perceived by young competitors. The most significant works show an application based on comparisons, on ideas and projects acquired through an educational trail and often in contradictory with panathelets that dedicate themselves in discussing all the topics/issues that sports offers.

After all, that’s the true value of the Graphic Competition: encourage Panathlon’s meeting with the students, bringing out the contradictions and virtues that sports accustom you to live with.

The many people that oversee the Museum have understood, have given us their trust and welcomed the project illustrated. For the Chiesa Foundation and Panathlon International this is a source of great satisfaction.

The exhibition will be accompanied by two panels in French and English languages explaining what Panathlon is, the nature and the work carried out by the Chiesa Foundation and the significance of the exhibition.

The copies of the “Guide to the Exhibition” will be made available to visitors, even to those schools to which the authors of the works will receive a copy of the Guide in addition to information on the eminent exhibition.

We believe that the event that is being proposed is a pleasurable announcement to spring and makes many panathletes proud. Lausanne awaits you. The city and the Olympic Museum have a lot to offer and that thought of having a small part to interpret for 10 days will certainly honour the authors, their teachers and those who spend their time in conveying sports culture.


XVI International graphic competition

An excellent edition of the international graphic contest 

This year too has taken place the jury meeting to award the prizes of the International graphic competition set up by the Domenico Chiesa Foundation in order to make young people think through the language of art and the values of sport.

This year again I had the honour of presiding over the nomination of the laureates and, as chairman of the jury and Vice-president of the Domenico Chiesa Foundation, I wish to express my personal thanks to all the many students who participated in this Graphic Contest. 

The 16th edition of the contest was, among all editions, the most "rich" in terms of students and participating countries.

This success is certainly due to the intense work of our President, Mr. Pierre Zappelli, Mr. Maurizio Monego and Mr. Stefano Giulieri, who have made known the values of Panathlon around the world and the aims of the Domenico Chiesa Foundation.

But a special thanks goes to teachers who understand the spirit and value of our competition and have managed to bring the technical and manual level of students to really considerable values.

The works of the winners fully represent the artistic education received.

I hope that the presidents of the reference Clubs of the award-winning schools recognize the great work done by teachers and take them for example to extend to other schools the participation in the International graphic competition in the years to come. 

Marina Chiesa Vice - President Cultural Foundation Panathlon International Domenico Chiesa


Jos Vanlerberghe, president of the Panathlon club of Brussels, the club of Paul De Broe and Vic De Donder, opened the session held January 23, 2018 at Hotel Serwir, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium:

Panathlon Flanders celebrates 2018 its 40th anniversary and honors on this occasion its founding fathers Paul De Broe and Vic De Donder with the DOMENICO CHIESA AWARD. The club of Brussels (Jos Vanlerberghe & Maurice Desmet) initiated the procedure and Panathlon Flanders (Willy Pennoit) applied formally for the Award.





Wednesday, 19 July 2017 09:04

XV International Graphic Competition

With the meeting of the Selection Committee of 8 July, the XV International Graphic Competition was closed. The 180 works received have been evaluated and, with satisfaction, there has been a noticeable growth in the works of the category "painting and drawing" both in number and in quality.

The four prizes were awarded for each category. They will be delivered during the ceremony included in the Panathlon Day that will take place in Venice, at the Goldoni Theatre, on October 19, at 17h00,

according to the program that will be communicated as soon as possible. The awarded works and those selected by the selection committee will be the subject of the inaugural exhibition, set up in the atrium of the "Constantine Reyer" sports centre in Sant'Alvise and open on the same date. 

At the end of the exhibition, from November the review of the works will be available to Clubs, which request them for exhibitions in their localities.



Published in News from Clubs


The evaluation commission of the 15th International Graphic competition will meet on Saturday 8 July 2017, at 10.00 a.m., at the  Labia Palace (seat Rai of Venice) Campo San Geremia 275, Venice for the examination of the works of the competition 2016-2017 and the attribution of the awards 


P.C. Latina - La Mostra del 14° Concorso grafico all'Open Day 2017 di Latina 

I pannelli delle opere vincitrici del 14° Concorso Grafico Internazionale che la Fondazione Domenico Chiesa indice annualmente sono stati esposti presso il "Liceo Scientifico Statale G.B. Grassi" di Latina, presso il quale è presente anche l'indirizzo sportivo.

La Mostra è stata aperta domenica 22 gennaio in occasione dell"Open Day"" e si è protratta per l'intera settimana, registrando un consistente afflusso di visite sia da parte degli studenti che delle famiglie.

L'evento ha dato l'opportunità  al Club, presente con  vari consiglieri e con il Governatore di Area, Massimo Zichi, di illustrare le finalità del Panathlon e gli scopi del Concorso grafico.

Particolare  attenzione  è stata riservata alla diffusione delle carte panathletiche, principalmente alla "Carta dei doveri del genitore nello sport".

L’Istituto ha assicurato il proprio impegno affinchè  gli studenti partecipino numerosi alla 15a edizione del Concorso ed ha inoltre manifestato il proprio interesse per il progetto del Distretto Italia "Orientare formando e formare orientando”

A sua volta il club ha dato la propria disponibilità  a partecipare quale "Partner" della Scuola al Progetto Eramus "Sp.e.e.d-sport Enhances Excellence disavantage" (formazione di categorie professionali che lavorano nell'ambito dell'organizzazione degli eventi  sportivi che prevedono la partecipazione degli studenti disabili).

Cari amici,

sono lieto di comunicarvi che il Consiglio della Fondazione PI D. Chiesa riunitosi ieri 1° febbraio 2017, ha provveduto a nominare Segretario della stessa il panathleta del Club di Venezia Maurizio Monego.

Congratulazioni ed auguri di buon lavoro a Maurizio Monego!

Pierre Zappelli


Panathlon International Domenico Chiesa Cultural Foundation, on the 20th anniversary of its birth, wanted to edit, in one volume, all  winning draws of the various editions in order to honor all participants and to thank those  panathlets and clubs who helped in the dissemination of the values of the panathletic movement through younger generation.

The volume was sent to each single Club in the hope that the "Olympic torch" of the panatlhetic values can shine through the eyes of youngsters.


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Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa