The six finalists of the Bancarella Sport 2020


Designated by the selection committee

Here are the six finalists of the Bancarella Sport 2020  

Now the "Grand jury" will designate the winner and then the proclamation in Pontremoli  

If sport was blocked by the coronavirus the same did not happen for the selection committee of the 57th Bancarella Sport Award which met remotely. There were about forty participating works to examine, from which to choose the six finalists. 

Six varied finalists have been chosen as usual. 

The Commission of Choice, composed of President Paolo Francia, Massimo Arcidiacono, Giuseppe Benelli, Giovanni Bruno, Danilo Di Tommaso, Luigi Ferraiolo, Ignazio Landi, Roberto Lazzarelli, Paolo Liguori, Angelo Panassi, Giacomo Santini, Giovanni Tarantola, Ivan Zazzaroni, has been able to express particular appreciation for the following books: 

• GIOANNBRERAFUCARLO. GIANNI BRERA, SECONDO ME, written by Andrea Maietti, edited by Bolis Edizioni;

• IL TENNIS L’HA INVENTATO IL DIAVOLO, written by Adriano Panatta with Daniele Azzolini, edited by  Sperling & Kupfer; 

• LA PARTITA, written by Piero Trellini, edited by Mondadori;


• RICKY ALBERTOSI. ROMANZO POPOLARE DI UN PORTIERE, written by Collettivo Soriano, curated by Massimiliano Castellani, edited by Urbone Publishing;

• VOLEVO SOLO NUOTARE (200.000 BRACCIATE CON RACHELE BRUNI), written by Luca Farinotti, edited by Artingenio. 

The chosen ones will now move on to the final stage and will be sent to the "Great Jury". The votes of the independent booksellers belonging to the two organizing Associations of the Bancarella Awards, combined with those of the voters designated by the Panathlon District Italy and the usual personalities of the sports world and journalism, will come via secret electronic card, to the Notary of the Prize, Dr. Sara Rivieri who will decide in public session the absolute Winner.

On the same day, the journalism prize "Bruno Raschi" will be awarded to Beppe Conti.

The "Bruno Raschi" award, established in memory and homage to "the Divine", is awarded every year, since 2005, to a journalist who in his career has marked, innovated, reread, the way of doing sports news. Beppe Conti, born in Turin, was and is the signature of cycling. For his background as a journalist of the Gazzetta dello Sport and Tuttosport and his passion for cycling, he is counted among the most experienced storytellers of the tiring and wonderful feats on two wheels.

He has participated as a commentator on television broadcasts on the Giro d'Italia and the Tour de France. 

He has written numerous cycling books.



Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa