President’s Committee - 3 February 2022

The PI President’s Committee composed of President Pierre Zappelli, Past-President Giacomo Santini, Vice-President Orietta Maggi met, remotely, on 3 February. The meeting was also attended by Secretary General Simona Callo, Treasurer Stefano Giulieri, AC President Andrea Sbardellati and AC Member Giuseppe Ravasi. Among the various points on the agenda, the participants talked about the meeting that took place on 20 January in Barcelona between President Pierre Zappelli and the President of the Panathlon Club of Barcelona, Dr. Pujante. The meeting has been very positive and harbinger of proposals to strengthen the presence of Panathlon International in the Catalan capital and in the Iberian Peninsula.  Particular attention was paid to the questionnaires sent to all members. The participation went beyond expectations. By the deadline of 20 February, members will be invited again to bring their contribution. Then the points to be discussed with the next International Board were addressed, especially concerning the statutory changes, the meeting with the Chiesa Foundation, the events planned for this year: the Assembly of Lausanne, the Congress and the Flambeau d'Or. They discussed and analyzed the updates provided by the Treasurer on the financial situation and payments of the Clubs, and by the Secretary General on the activities followed by the Secretariat and her participation in international meetings and events, in remote mode. The Committee took note, with great pleasure, of the opening of the new Panathlon Club Roma junior and the Club of Neapolis, the latter will join the Club of Napoli in the Area 11-Campania.


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa