Online International Board!

In the month of February two meetings of the International Board were held online to discuss various topics that needed to be addressed promptly.  

The date of the next Ordinary General Assembly and Extraordinary Assembly will take place in Lausanne on June 11.

The International Congress will presumably take place in October (date yet to be defined) together with the "Flambeau d'Or” Award Ceremony - to the memory of Antonio Spallino".

The Strategic Plan 2022-2026, elaborated by IB Member Luis Moreno, was discussed and will be integrated with the more than 800 answers to the questionnaires sent by the General Secretariat and presented to the Assembly.

Finally, the statutory changes that the International Board will present to the General Assembly in Lausanne were defined.

The General Secretariat has received from over 20% of the clubs (65) other requests for amendments to the Statute.

These requests will now be translated and sent to PI Constitution and Arbitration Board for its opinion and will be sent to all Clubs, 60 days before the Assembly.

The next appointment with the International Board is scheduled for next April 28, always online.



Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa