A pair of gloves that changed the world - Tommie Smith & John Carlos


On October 16, 1968, Tommie Smith and John Carlos showed their raised, black-gloved, fists at the Olympic podium ceremony in Mexico. The silent gesture became an icon in the Afro-American civil rights movement and in the fight against oppression of disadvantaged groups around the world. This peaceful but unequivocal protest, six months after the murder of Martin Luther King, made the Black Power movement front-page news all over the world. For Tommie Smith and John Carlos, the consequences were dramatic: They were heavily criticized in their own country, received death threats and were excluded as athletes. This was for them the start of a life as activists and role models for many generations, including the current Black Lives Matter movement.  

With this honorary doctorate, KU Leuven honors their moral courage and their nonviolent resistance in the fight against social injustice. The official ceremony will be preceded by an optional Round Table discussion.

Promoters: Prof. Christophe Delecluse -  Prof. Mike McNamee - Prof. Jan Tolleneer

Patrick Van Campenhout and Paul Standaert were representing Panathlon International during this important event. The speeches of the 2 heroes , both late 70th ,were very emotional and the received a standing ovation for their courage, perseverance and dedication.

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa