Panathlon EU Antenna in Brussels - Online Conference - Stop Trafficking of Young African Football Players - November 18, 2020

ONLINE CONFERENCE  - “Sideline”: Stop Trafficking of Young African Football Players 

November 18, 2020 

Due to the Covid 19 restrictions the event of November 18th at the siege of the Panathlon EU Antenna in Brussels will not take place as ‘classic’ fysical meeting but as webinar instead. 

This webinar, organized by the antenna in Brussels in collaboration with the Intergroup Sport of the European Commission, is supported by 2 Members of the European Parliament and is about the tragical faith of young African Football players caused by the trafficking into Europe.

Registration and attending can be done by sending a message at:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa