Nominations of the persons responsible for Commissions and international posts 


During the first meeting of the International Board of PI, delegations on various topics were discussed and assigned.

Each delegate will be able to contribute ideas, projects, and contributions, which will be discussed in the Board and decided upon collectively.

In addition to these assignments, the Board will regularly exercise its functions as set out in the PI Statute and Regulations.

The next meetings on virtual platform, are scheduled for 16 January and 19 February.


We wish the best luck to all elected Board Members.  

Magazine Working Group:  Giacomo Santini

Communication Working Group:  Simona Callo

Expansion Commission (IEC): Patrick Van Campenhout

Disability Working Group:  Eugenio Guglielmino

Training Working Group:    Giorgio Chinellato

Youth Working Group:    Luigi Innocenzi

Statute/Regulation Working Group:  Pierre Zappelli – Giorgio Chinellato

Commission for Culture, Science and Education (CSEC):  Chair: Elaine Cook,

Relations with the IB:  Eugenio Guglielmino

Milano/Cortina 2026 Working Group to coordinate action in connection with the 2026 Winter Olympics:   Luigi Innocenzi

Fair Play Working Group:

- Coordinator of Fair Play action across Panathlon International:   Orietta Maggi

- Delegated authority for the relations with World Fair Play Day: Simona Callo


Sponsor/Fundraising Working Group: Luigi Innocenzi


- and to appoint the following IB Members to perform the tasks listed below:


Relations with the South-American Districts:  Luis Moreno Gonzales

Relations with District Italy (DI): President Zappelli, who may ask to be assisted by an IB Member, as appropriate

Relations with the German-speaking Districts and Clubs:  Pierre Zappelli and Stefano Giulieri

Relations with the General Secretariat:   Pierre Zappelli and Stefano Giulieri

Communication Award: Luigi Innocenzi 

PI Representation in Lausanne - Team Members: Pierre Zappelli – Melody Exhenry – Simona Callo

PI Representation in Brussels - Team Members: IB Contacts: Patrick Van Campenhout – Philippe Vlaemmink – Paul Standaert - Pierre Zappelli – Giacomo Santini as needed

Relations with partner organisations: President Zappelli, Simona Callo,  Melody Exhenry 

PCU (relations with University-based Panathlon Clubs):   Patrick Van Camphenout (in cooperation with Eugenio Guglielmino) 

EPAS:  President Zappelli


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa