A new agreement to strengthen the relationship between Panathlon International and United Kingdom

A new agreement to strengthen the relationship between Panathlon International and United Kingdom

Following the meeting that took place in Stansed in 2018 between the International President Pierre Zappelli and the Secretary General Simona Callo with the top management of the Panathlon Challenge Foundation after several contacts in recent years (slowed down by the pandemic), last 17 May a coexistence agreement and a collaboration agreement (MoU) between Panathlon International and Panathlon Challenge Foundation was signed, for now electronically. 

Panathlon Challenge Foundation  (https://panathlon.com/)  is a charity operating in Great Britain that provides sporting opportunities to more than 25,000 disabled young people and young leaders each year. This Foundation, which has the same name as our movement, has been developing in the UK since 1997 and had collaborated in that year to open a Panathlon Club in London, which unfortunately never took off.

The aim of this agreement is to bring together the two associations, which have common goals, in order to promote mutual knowledge and plan joint actions.

Among the points of the Joint Venture to establish close co-operation by supporting the aims and objectives of both organizations, e.g. through joint activities, seminars and workshops on different sporting topics; to allow for mutual publication, articles and information about the Associations; to establish and co-ordinate joint activities of fair play, tolerance, peace and understanding; to appoint a member of the Committees as regular contacts who will meet preferably at the General Meeting, congresses, meetings of the two organizations with the possibility of short presentations about each organization and their annual work; Panathlon Challenge Foundation will also work to found a Panathlon Club in the UK.


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa