Conclusion of the International Board meeting of PI

In the afternoon of Thursday 25 November 2021, from 2.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m., the meeting of the International Board continued by videoconference.

It had started on 29 October and due to time constraints had not been completed. The International Board has approved the final version of the Statute’s  modifications, which will be sent, as soon as they are translated, to the Clubs, Zones and Districts for their opinion. Subsequently, Luis Moreno, International Board Member, has taken responsibility for completing the "strategic plan" and presenting it at the next meeting of the International Board, which will be held, again by videoconference, at the beginning of 2022. These actions should be presented for approval at the next General Assembly. The Board also commented on the proposals of MoU with two International Associations, welcoming them in principle.

The process now involves verification and integration by their Governing Bodies. With regard to the projects, the Secretariat will contact, during the week, the Clubs that will receive the contribution on the basis of the applications received. The Board wishes to propose it again in a slightly different way next year, based on PI budget.

The "ethical plaques " project can also be "repeated" next year. Finally, it was decided to send out the "club + sensitive to sport x all" project to all clubs again, noting that it will expire on 31 December. A new photo contest was approved, which will be carried out in collaboration with the PI-Domenico Chiesa Foundation in 2022. At the end of the Board meeting, the organisation of the next Assembly, the Congress and the Golden Torch which will be held in Lausanne on 10-11 June 2022 were discussed.

At the beginning of December, there will be a remote meeting of the CSEC, which will give its opinion on the Congress. Other items were discussed, as well as the IB Members’ reports. Club Presidents, District Presidents and  Zone Governors have the right to consult all the decisions of the PC and IB by requesting the login details from the General Secretariat to access the reserved area.


Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa