Panathlon International joins the expressions of condemnation of the aggression of Russia against Ukraine. The values of sport are a fundamental part of the life of citizens and for their expression require freedom and democracy.

The aggressors' design to reduce a people in conditions of political subjection, implies a serious mortification also of the expression of any sport practice that recalls, in its essence, the prevalence of the free choice and of the spontaneous exercise for the psychophysical, ethical and moral construction of a civil conscience.

With this premise, Panathlon International, on the basis of the concrete relationship of institutional cooperation, joins the position of the International Olympic Committee in condemning the aggression, declaring itself "deeply worried about the violation of the Olympic truce" started on 4th February and destined to last until one week after the Paralympic Games. 

President Thomas Bach set up a task force to monitor closely the situation and to coordinate humanitarian assistance to members of the Olympic community in Ukraine.

Panathlon International, in reiterating with determination and conviction this line of condemnation, which also excludes Russian sport from any participation in international events, expresses its solidarity with all Russian athletes who demonstrate that they do not share the aggression and who are excluded from participating in sporting events that are a fundamental part of their lives.  They too, like the Ukrainians, are victims of a terrible act that is totally detrimental to fundamental human values.


 press release



Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa