Visit to Panathlon International Club Luxembourg

On 20 and 21 October, PI Expansion Commission Chairman Patrick Van Campenhout travelled to Luxembourg to meet the local Panathlon Club.

He was welcomed by the President of the Club, Georges Welbes, who gave him a brief overview of the history of the Club.
President Van Campenhout has explained the results of the works of the Expansion Commission from its creation until today. 

Then Alex Goergen (Director of the Luxembourg Olympic Committee- LOC) took over with a round table discussion on the theme " Le sport au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg et la crise de l'énergie".

PI Club Luxembourg members include former ministers and directors of the Luxembourg Olympic Committee, including Ms Marie-Paul Hoffmann (vice-president LOC).

President Georges Welbes has pointed out that the Luxembourg Club will intensify its activities and relations with PI.

This visit of the President of the Expansion Commission is part of a project which aims, in addition to the establishment of new Clubs, to meet existing Clubs and involve them in the life and activities of PI.

The following day, International Board Member Patrick Van Campenhout had an interesting and fruitful meeting with the Technical Director of the Luxembourg Olympic Committee, Raymond Conzemius who met during the "World Games" in Birmingham - USA.

Panathlon International

Fondazione D.Chiesa